College; FIRST and KA

Sep 02, 2005 00:29

Well; as many of you know I'm on the exec board for robotics, and it turns out we're basically re-doing the entire organization. The basic changes are making changing the paradigm of PFP to be PFP-centric rather than WLHS-centric. With three teams, we can no longer afford to be focused on one team alone, and re-orienting the organization to account for that has proved to be difficult. We literally need to recruit 45 people this semester as a minimum. Let me repeat that. We literally need to recruit 45 people this semester as a MINIMUM. I don't know if this is possible, but we have emergency minimums in place in case we don't get 45 people to fill positions. I'm not very pleased with how the time commitment has been working out. It seems that a lot of the FIRST events are overlapping with KA rush events, and that is getting a little irritating for both me and Scott, our Number 1, who has to keep excusing me from everything. I really hope that the Number 1 for next year is as easy-going as Scott is, or there may be a large fallout between me and the Chapter. Miles and Alexis are both in the same position that I am, in a greek house, and that could be really bad if all three of our chapters decide to crack down. I lost my gauntlet on Tuesday as well. That's no fun. I have been trying to get it back, but it looks like i'm going to get a new one from Charleton tomorrow. The gauntlet is similar to the Mortar Board, but it has important KA dates in it as well as having spaces to write assignments and whatnot. I feel bad about losing it, because it probably makes me look really bad to the chapter. Now I am a little more paranoid than most when it comes to actions signifying feelings, but it seems to me that that could be interpreted by an outsider as me not placing value on KA. It is a little disappointing that a brother would so quickly judge me, but Nathan seems to be compassionate to my dilemma. The only consolation and weapon of defense I have is that the gauntlet is not the first thing I've lost this semester. I also lost my 201 book, which set my fund back another 100 bucks. It really sucks, but there's just nothing I can do. I need to establish a system of putting away the Gauntlet so I don't forget it somewhere again. Anyway, back to FIRST. I am now in charge of Harrison Robotics, and we've had a tough time putting people in the right place. We've had too many people apply for certain positions, and not enough people apply for others. It is really hard to have to tell a person that deserves a position that they can't have it. In an ideal world, we'd have just the right amount of the exact people we want in each position apply for each position, but that's just not how it works. Its just like what happened in the ADR stuff. I applied for ADR at Jeff, after being specifically asked by MAdams, and I don't mean to say that entitles me to the position unconditionally, but its a little bit of a downer to have the person he said should be the electronics coordinator picked over you; but its a moot point cause we're in the same spot now. I have places that I'd like to see people, and other people have different opinions. Welcome to Democracy. When dealing with the duality of PFP and KA, I'm not really sure how to deal with the forced choice of selecting my "favorite" organization. I know that both orgs want me to be completely devoted to them, but I can't. I believe that I have an understanding with Scott about this. He knows that I am doing my best to go to KA stuff and that I'm doing my best to balance and still spend time with the brothers, but that its nearly impossible. It doesn't help that my class schedule is so afternoon-oriented as well. I think the KA guys will just have to trust me that I'm doing my damnedest to get to anything I can during this rush season, and that after this Sunday's orgy of Handbook rewriting i'll be at pretty much every Sunday social, project sundays excluded. My only hope is that both organizations can be balanced with out failing in school. I am not having any problem finding time to do homework interestingly enough. I think it helps that my schedule requires very little to be turned in on Wednesday, the day after my long day, and that many of my classes have long 2 hour breaks in between them, which allows me to get homework done. Ahh well, it's 1:00 in the morning and I need to sleep.

Oh, by the way, if anyone wants to be part of PFP and has experience, or wants to learn, contact me. My AIM is the same as my LJ name.
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