Ohayocon Wiggery Update!

Dec 28, 2007 23:34


Now that's clear.  I just want to say that I'll make my post-Merry Christmas post later, K? <3
I am going to SCREEN all of these comments so that we can communicate in private.  Makes for phone number swapping and the like.  I'm going to say now that I absolutely hate doing at-con deliveries, but because of my trip home, they were almost unavoidable this time around... if you're picking up a wig, I would prefer to get it taken care of on Thursday if at all possible.  I want to enjoy my con, not do business.  This was a huge factor in what ruined my Tekkoshocon, so please try to understand.

master__arucard, I already told you that I have your wig.  You already paid me.  Just give me a call and tell me when you're supposed to arrive so you can pick it up hopefully on Thursday.  I'm not going to chase you down and you can't wear your costume without a wig.  =P

pookles13 I believe you have seen my progress.  =)  Hard part's done, it'll be beautiful for you before we leave.  Promise.  <3

caity_love, I don't think you're going to be at Ohayo but I wanted to know if you were still interested in buying the Alice wig from me.  I'll sell it to you for less than what I originally said because I just really want to get rid of it.  No rush, just curious as to what's going on for that one.

kshadow_chan, I think we already went over what's going down with this one.  Since you can't be there Thursday, I'll be happy to get your wig to you on Friday.  Please leave a comment so I can give you my phone number and we'll iron everything else out from there.

lavender_gold I think I owe you a wig.  =X  I haven't forgotten about the Tekko thing.  Let me know if there's anything you need... I remember how much you gave me for the last one, and I don't recall if you still wanted the wig for that costume.

spooky2023...this isn't about a wig.  You KNOW what this is about.  =P  Prepare for shopping when I get back, we need to get started on our project.  I'm willing to pay for some of it and help with labor.  I also have a very comfy couch and a fun roommate.  Call me sometime!

Others that have been taken care of do not have LiveJournal accounts, but I have made contact with all individuals and hopefully will not encounter any mix-up the weekend of.

THANKS, EVERYONE!!  If anybody else has a question or if I forgot anything, please tell me!  Remember that I screened comments for you, so don't worry about anonymous who-dids getting your phone number or anything.  Best wishes for the new year!


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