Apr 04, 2006 00:10
So, I did a bit of editing tonight. Hopefully made some things better. And I wrote a poem, which may not sound like much, but for me it's something. Poems used to come to me easily, but out of all that I wrote, I've only kept around ten of them. I'm very critical. The one I wrote tonight, I think, will be a keeper. There is a lot that I'd like to write, but I just don't know how anymore. Those parts of myself that are so hard to sort through are the things that I should really be putting down. I've had people tell me, when I ask to read their poetry, "I don't know-it might scare you." What does it mean when I think, write before I start brainstorming, "If I write this down, I'm going to scare myself?" Not that I'm especially scary, but... When you write it down and it's really true, no matter what it is, and you know that it's true, that's something. It's like a confession. But I think that's a part of being a good writer. That everything you put down is a peice of yourself. But I don't want to be so transparent. And it would be, I'm afraid...