making sure this thing works so: testing 1 2 3

Aug 13, 2012 20:40

  1. What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?

    Well I think it may be easier to say what I wouldn’t want to be.  I wouldn’t want to work for the ministry, become a professor, auror, or shopkeeper.  Those jobs seem nice, but really don’t fit me at all.  Admittedly, I’m not a people person.  I find conversing tiresome and could not take the strain for such long periods of time.  I do know that I’d like to work around mythical creatures in some capacity.  Working with animals gives me a sense of control without the need to worry about proper grammar and stumbling through awkward conversations.

    Well after some more thought it became obvious.  I like animals, horses in particular.  In most cases I prefer their company over people as you can practice more control over their behavior. If I had to choose a profession now I think it would be working with hippogriffs.  They are very similar to horses in many ways and yet have bird like qualities such as flying.   It would be very fulfilling to learn everything there is to know about hippogriffs even raising them to sell or compete.  For example, can they be trained to race with riders like horses can?  What if there were entire stadiums built for the sole purpose of watching hippogriffs race both on the track and soaring through the air?  Training the creatures to maneuver through obstacles always trying to pull ahead and win!  Imagine being a part of breeding, raising, training, and selling hippogriffs for such a purpose.  I would really love to be a part of that.
  2. You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one Harry Potter character other than Hagrid and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you'd want with you.

    Well I’m glad Hagrid is off the list.  He’s is a bit of a blunderer about the ideal of safety when students are concerned.  Actually, I was thinking about taking Harry Potter as long as he promised not to start calling me a spare in the middle of the forbidden forest.  I almost feel bad about taking him though because something bad is bound to happen and emo Potter will emerge.  However, you have to admit he knows his stuff and we would get out alive in the end.  Plus, I’d like to have that moment with ‘the boy that lived’ to be able to tell everyone about our adventure into the forbidden forest.  It’s almost a social standing thing to be able to give a personal story about yourself with the famous Harry Potter. 
    Ok, now to pick an object.  Well I have my wand so that’s good, but what else would be useful?  What could I bring that my wand couldn’t produce or supply?  I suppose a portkey would be useful and a quick way to escape anything we both couldn’t handle.
  3. If you had the opportunity to live forever, but your family and friends did not, what would you choose? And if you did choose to live forever, what would you do with eternity?

    I would not choose to live forever because life is tedious and would become down right boring and insufficient after a time. I’m sure if you asked Harry Potter the same question he’d say ‘no’ too.  After all he’s been through and losing the people he loved?  I can not hope to stay so sane after loosing all my loved ones even if they were constantly replaced by new life.  If you’ve ever watched ‘The Hurt Locker’ you might understand.  There are few things in this life I truly enjoy and with time, I imagine, they would become fewer and fewer.  I will end up closing up around myself more and more avoiding people until I find that only one thing keeps me moving forward. What if I loose that one thing?  Death after a sufficient time is nice.  It is a reward after a long day.  I don’t want to shorten or prolong that day any more than I have to.   Not to say that I do not enjoy life as it is.  I live in one of the best places on this planet and do not want to waste it.  Too much of anything can be bad for you and I believe that much is true about living forever.  It can’t be good for you.
  4. If you could travel back in time to one point, when and where would you go? Why?

    If I really thought about it I’d probably go mad with the possibilities that each choice offered.  I do know that I’d like to go far back before electricity; to a much simpler (if you can call the hard work it would take just to survive as simpler) time somewhere in Europe’s past.  To see how peasant people lived, survived, and then to see in comparison how the richest sovereign’s of the day lived.  To see perhaps a holiday/dance/celebration/etc spent in each one’s company.  I’d be a shadow on the wall in each circumstance as it would have to be due to language, social standing, ethnic differences, etc but it would be very intriguing and fun regardless.   I think the early medieval or Raphaelite time period or even earlier would work.  If I have to be more specific than that I think I’d spend the next month alone agonizing and planning my trip out and that just wouldn’t do for such a supposedly simple question’s response.
  5. What HP character do you identify with most and why?

    The characters I identify most with is a mix perhaps of Remus Lupin, and Ron Weasley.  Lupin is long suffering he can take a punch and keep on moving.  He is steadfast and I feel that reflects myself as well.  I have gotten through some rough roads in my past, but I’m stronger for it. Lupin is also more of a loner by his nature or circumstance and I feel alike in a way to that.  Ronald is a laid back easy going fellow, but he is the youngest out of six boys.  He probably feels forgotten or overlooked often.  Whatever he does is nothing new as his brothers have already done it all.  However, he doesn’t become bitter, but embraces his role as sidekick to the illustrious Harry Potter.  As a younger sibling I understand that feeling and role well.  I look up to my siblings, but don’t try to be them.  Instead I try my hardest to be my own person.
  6. What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?

    Myself inside my dream home with my Mom relaxing in the family room while my family noisily fixed dinner in the kitchen.  Everyone would be intermingling, talking, and enjoying each other’s company.  There would be children under foot playing with the new hound puppies and a cat purring on my Mom’s lap.  The TV would be off and instead the only sound heard would be family and home.  That is satisfaction for me.  You can keep your money, power, and glory and I will keep my standards and family close.  Ok, that was a bit harsh, but hopefully you get a sense of my deepest desire.
  7. Do you believe that moral actions should be judged by the intentions behind them, or by the consequences they create?
    Are we moving into philosophy now?  *groans*   Alright lets jump in here, a combination of both or either as it really depends on the circumstances.  We’re not given an example of the moral action or the consequence so it really leaves much to the imagination.  It is stated a moral action but is it morally right or morally wrong?  That should be taken in account of as well as the consequences it creates.  I think intentions should be strongly taken into consideration, but also the consequences are important as well.  What happens due to our actions either good or bad must be taken into account.  So both, really.
  8. What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?

    Honestly, I never had a thought towards my ideal job when I was young.  Being a kid I didn’t worry about what I’d be when I grew up I was too busy being a kid.  I remember wanting to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle if that helps?   High school came and went and I still had no ideal what I wanted to be.  Once in collage I studied around, changed majors many times, and then settled into the biology field.  It is not my dream job or area of study, but I don’t hate it and that works for me.  If I could still be whatever I wanted I still couldn’t tell you because I honestly just don’t know what would be the perfect job out there.
  9. If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?

    I would create a charm to kill pain for a few hours.  It would be called ‘healious infinitum temperarum’ and would kill off the pain of burns, broken bones, deep bruising, cuts, nauseating events, heartbreak, and anything that gives off pain.  I imagine it would be very popular and helpful for many situations.  I can think of sometimes I’d like to have had this handy little potion or charm to ward off pain entirely for awhile.
  10. If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?

    A pink slip.  Lol!!  I would hate to loose my job after all the hard work I’ve put into getting here.  No really though, it would probably be the death of someone I truly loved.  What could hurt more or be scarier than the fear of loosing your most precious ones?   Casting the riddikulus spell would instantly turn the body/ies into eggplants which would hit the ‘Cone Head’ reference in me and I’d laugh and the boggart would be defeated.
  11. What do you look for in a friend?

    Sometimes I think that people are so strange and a bit hopeless, but then I remind myself that we all handle life differently and deserve the right to try to get it right. Even if I don’t agree on how everyone goes about it.  I don’t have many friends, but I do enjoy having colleagues as long as I can leave them behind at work where they belong.  Then again maybe I’m blessed in the fact that a few of my family members are in a way my friends.  We hang out, we go see things together, and we for the most part enjoy each others company.  They can annoy and drive the hell out of me, but since they are family I tend to forgive them more easily than I ever would an outsider. In a friend I look for someone who accepts me and doesn’t want to change me.  Someone who doesn’t tell me how I should dress, act, behave, etc.  I want to be comfortable enough to be able to joke around, say every dumb thing that comes to mind, act silly and not be made to feel bad about it.

    We would need to share some common interests and views if we wanted to avoid conflicts in religious beliefs and politics.  It is very hard to get along well with others if they share a different mindset.  Entire opposites do not attract. There must be something shared that overcomes the differences to stay and thrive as friends.  So I’d be looking for someone who makes me feel better after a conversation, someone I could trust when I needed help, and who held similar, but not exclusive, personal beliefs. 
  12. What trait most annoys you about other people?
    Just ignorant little things like accusing people of intolerance, hate, and bigotry while they themselves end up falling into the exact same thing without realizing it.  Being rude or crude to others, but then demanding others pay closer attention to their insensitive words.  I guess just people being hypocritical.
  13. What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?

    Detail Oriented:  I like details, not rules or facts there is a difference.  Details can change which is fine if everyone involved agrees, rules are written in stone per se. I crave, enjoy, and pay attention to details.
    Sense of Humor:  I don’t like to take things or myself too seriously.  I do try to lighten the mood and have fun at anything I do because I hate to be bored.  We all need to lighten up sometimes and just enjoy the little things when we can.
    Responsible: I would never do anything just to be mean or hateful to someone else.  I don’t leave messes for others to clean up either.  I also make sure everyone is together on projects and gets their share of praise when working together.  It’s the right thing to do and I try to live up to that in work and life in general.
    Practicality:  Or I guess you could call it being realistical maybe even manipulative.  Either way, I think I’m beginning to understand enough of people or human nature in the workplace to figure out what will work and what wont.  I see the good in people, but I also see the darker more selfish side as well. If getting a job and keeping it taught me anything it’s to know what people want when they ask you a question. I know when to push and when to back down and stay in formation.   A lot of times your manager/supervisor says they are looking for the truth but in actuality they are looking for the ideal truth. They want the perfect version not the real version.  I learned that the hard way when they gave me a ‘there are no wrong answers’ question.  Of course there are wrong answers it wouldn’t be a question otherwise.  So I take being realistic as a good quality I have.
    Ethical:  I don’t gossip about other people at all.  In fact I’d banish every little gossiper to a disserted island of their own if I could.  I think gossiping breeds hate and prejudice.  It comes from being jealous of that person for some deep purpose even you may not realize at the time.  It serves no purpose whatsoever than to just be cruel and spiteful.   I try my best to treat others with respect.  I don’t always succeed, but I try to give others the benefit of the doubt and not let my own prejudices get in the way of how I treat people different than myself.
  14. What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?

    Socially Awkward: Socially, I’ve always been a bit shy and don’t know how to carry on a good conversation.  Even with my own family I trip and fluster my way through trying to explain an ideal or just talking about my day.  I often feel very inarticulate and will quickly fall silent again to avoid sounded dumb.   I keep what I say simple and short at work and just marvel at how easily conversation comes to some people and not others.
    Procrastinator:  Why finish today when I can read a few more chapters of fanfiction and explore a new tumblr site instead?  I like my lazy day afternoons and yeah I don’t jump on the chance to get a little extra work done instead of watching that movie I’ve seen a dozen times before.  I do however finish on time so there’s that even if I have to pull a all nighter every once in awhile.
    Moody:  I’ve been called melancholy by perfect strangers.   It’s just that I don’t smile very often and when I do I instantly either cover it up or fight it back down.  I’m on guard a lot of the time, often serious and quieter around strangers which isn’t how I act at home or with people I trust.
    Unsympathetic:  I can not sympathize with other peoples feeling’s very well.  Maybe I’ve got the emotional range of a teaspoon, idk, but when people tell me their problems I just wish they’d kept quite and suffered through it quietly like I do with my problems.  I get very uncomfortable around open, raw emotional displays. The only time this isn’t the case is when its on a movie or tv show with a actor/actress I really like and can relate to.   Growing up we were taught to keep everything bottled up and so I’m still a bit clueless on how to respond or sympathize when put in real situations with people crying, overly emotional, or just whining about their day.  Besides a ‘uh huh’ and ‘yeah that sucks’ I’ve got nothing else to offer.
    Stressed:  I can over analyze things and become a bit annoying when I don’t know what I’m doing.  At work when we have to learn a new step, such as to calibrate or troubleshoot an analyzer, and I’m in charge of the exercise I can get into panic mood.  I start asking all kinds of questions on what I should do and get a little flighty and flustered.  Afterwards, I see that it wasn’t such a big deal and feel kinda bad about being such a pain about it.
  15. Define in your own words the following key traits:
  •   Courage: Doing the right thing when everything screams for you to shut up and sit back down.
  • Loyalty: Belief that it is better to stick with what you know rather than what you don’t know.
  • Intelligence: The ability to learn from past mistakes and other’s mistakes
  • Ambition: Wanting more out of life than one is given.
  1. Name:    Lita
  2. Age:    24
  3. Where did you find out about us? Harry Potter LJ search
  4. Do you plan on being active in the communities once you are sorted?  Yes I do.

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