These were originally completed last June. I tweaked them again last month. The proportions here are more realistic than the last set but still not that realistic overall, if that makes any sense. I've included PT and ideal plantsim replacements in separate downloads again.
Downloads here:
Face TemplatesPT Replacement (clone of template 28)
Ideal Plantsim Replacement (clone of template 26)
Don't keep more than one replacement per template installed at the same time.
Download and install Argon's
fixes to unbork templates 21 & 25. (Files that townify templates 26 & 28 are available downthread in post #11.)
Please don't post them in any worst finds threads. :P The fugly aspects of certain templates were maintained on purpose. I like having a risk of Goomba-heads and potato-faces in my game.
This is the last upload I'll be posting for the foreseeable future. If I ever do more templates, they won't be based on the Maxis templates anymore (unless I decide to revamp old sets again) because I think I'm officially sick of them. Secondly, I'm bored with TS2 right now. I like reading other simmers' tales better than I like playing at the moment, so I'm going to stick to that awhile.
Besides, E3 press conference madness starts tomorrow and I'm going to be distracted by new digital shinies and fanboy wank for the next week or so. I'm more of a gameophile than an actual gamer, so I don't fully understand my own fascination with E3. Pathetic dorkfact: I like E3 better than X-mas.