I don't know if you guys watch Heroes, but I was sorely disappointed with the season finale Monday night. It lacked the spunk and excitement much of the previous episodes displayed (that which captured my attention in the first place) and felt rather anticlimactic. This finale <<<<< The Office finale. Just my opinion.
Highlight to read: [SPOILERS] I think what really struck me as unusual was Claire's inability to pull the trigger on Peter. What happened to the whole healing deal? Or how about just...flying away, huh, Peter? Like your brother? So it might have been hard to concentrate on that, but you could have at least tried, instead of standing there permeating radiation into your surroundings (read: the people around you).
Not sure about Hiro's predicament either. Don't get me wrong; I love samurai! Not as much as I used to, but the love's still there. It just seemed a little cheesy. Looks like Sylar knocked him back a few centuries.
How about some Micah/Molly? LMFAO I'm just kidding. That was cute, though I think Molly's a little creepy (like Dakota Fanning creepy).
Sylar is still alive... [/SPOILERS]
Also, Bionic Woman? Hahaha. Remakes...
In The Dark Knight news, this
website's...uh, well, if you highlight the page, you'll see what I mean. But the picture it previously featured was rather creepy, if I do say so myself. I'm a little skeptical still on the whole Heath Ledger as the Joker thing (not a fan of him, honestly), but whatever. Like others have said, Ichi the Killer much? Yuck. Bumpy. But I'll still watch it, because I like Christian Bale nyahahaha and Batman. It's pretty interesting that the same company who did the Year Zero ARG (and I Love Bees for those of you who got immersed in that), 42 Entertainment, did that cool stuff. Das koo'.
Pirates this weekend!
I didn't go home this weekend due to an essay and some other homework, but it was OK. Watched Shrek 3 on Saturday and, regardless of blatant disorganization, laughed quite a bit. Transformers looks cool too, hahaha. Then Thai food (Mango Fantasy!) for a belated Janet's birthday on Sunday was delicious. Nyumnyumnyumnyum! [/Gary] This weekend's a three-day one, so whoop-dee-doo. I'll catch up on a few things, though I have to write two more essays for next week. After that, though, it's just labs, quizzes, and studying for finals. Gah!
In regards to my current musical interests, I've been listening a lot to this band called Electric Six, after someone posted a music video with, uh, Abraham Lincoln...something. Anyway, I like their music, which is catchy and cool. My favorite songs right now are "Synthesizer" and "Boy or Girl?" (I love this small guitar part in the chorus; it's enough to get me listening to the song over and over).
I'm also, of course, listening a lot to Psychonauts music, which is creepy but awesome. Whoo! And I think I'll try and finish up Psychonauts for real tomorrow, hmm.
In actual video game news, not much to say, or not much I can really recall. Though I've never played it, the recent unvealing of Starcraft II got me really excited. I've been waiting for Ghost to come out, but after delving into a summary of the game's actual storyline I became very interested. I'd probably suck at it, unfortunately. Plus the music in
this trailer is so awesome. I want it! Also, BGM from the recently released trailers of GRAW II. Exciting.
more tracks have been revealed for Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s. I actually don't know many of those songs and the previously revealed ones, but whatever!
Registering for Fall Quarter classes this Thursday at 9AM, meh. I'm currently aiming for Linear Algebra, Human Sexuality, a programming class, and an...Asian American Studies class. Yeah, whatever. That last one's for the sake of GEs and one of my friends is taking it too. Plus it'll balance my failing grades in that math and programming class. Or when I retake MAT21C, if I fail this quarter.
Speaking of which, three weeks of school left, son of a bitch. Everyone's getting out before me! Well, I look forward to summer vacation. I have a lot of goals, though I'll probably only achieve one or two or whatever's easiest (like Comic Con, whoo! ...I should register for that...).
P.S. I missed a chance to meet Grant Imahara again this weekend NOOOO
If Stephen Colbert were to guest star on The Office...
Splinter Cell: Conviction preview!!!!! Emo!Sam Fisher in action! LMFAO looks like ol' Sam is up to no good...shooting up hot dog stands, chucking chairs, looking like a hobo. And sans his sexy wet suit! Where're the trademark triple lens night vision goggles? Hmm... Anyway, I'm excited! Perhaps Ubisoft is attempting to give the series a facelift...
Assassin's Creed is looking awesome too.