Name: terraharpel Character: Yozak Credits: manga pictures from PDK Creator's Notes: Happy Holdiay!! This are RPG icons for OOC Yozak. That is teef_chan second gift.
Author: terraharpel Characters/Pairings: Yozak+KG , Ryan Word Count: 1609 Rating: PG-13 Any Warnings: Mix between canon and AU, mild swearing Beta reader: Partly beta-read; my fellow rpg player friend Atlanta (locked_heart_16) was so nice and took the task up to be my beta reader :D
Author/Artist: terraharpel, Poem by ruo_fidelis. He wrote it for me. Characters/Pairings: Yozak Rating: none Any Warnings: none Theme/Prompt being used: none
Author/Artist: terraharpel Characters/Pairings: Yozak / Conrad // Wolfram / Yuuri Word Count: 554 Rating: PG and up Any Warnings: none Theme/Prompt being used: none
Author/Artist: terraharpel Characters/Pairings: Yozak, Conrad/Alford Word Count: 553 Rating: PG (to be on the safe side) Any Warnings: it´s a metaphor/dream, Yozak´s innermost feelings Theme/Prompt being used: Jealousy