I went to Pat Catan's, Micheal's, Home Depot, Lowes, Hooby store...no one carries AVES brand Apoxie Sculpt...but then!!
I found these guys
http://www.monstermakers.com/ LOL they have the shop 5 MINS FROM MY HOUSE!??! WHEEEEEEEEEEE!
The screwed up thing is I have driven by the store MILLIONS of times durring the 5 straight years I have lived in this city..and never noticed the sign. I went and looked at the shop today...the sign is super small...looks like on purpose.
But these guys
http://www.monstermakers.com/ carry everything I will need to make reproductions of what I'm working on.
They have the Apoxie Sculpt..but I can't pick it up until Monday.
I went to the plastics manufacturer
http://www.hpmanufacturing.com/ wich again is right near me about 15 mins away. The small retail store at the factory had some great 1/2" 12x20 cutt off/ discounted sheets of the grey. I bought two for $5! <---major deal BUT..the kicker was the cost of the 40x40 sheet for the sheild...... 46 muthafuckin dollas yo! for just the ONE sheet...that I have to use for the ONE sheild and basicaly have ONE shot to heat that bitch and get it fitted on the frame properly.
This ONE sheild, ONE helmet , ONE set of bracers and greaves, ONE sword are going to end up costing me hundreds of dollars to finish.
Yesterday I sold the LAST of my golf clubs, AND my old laptop so I could have the extra dough to finance this project../cry inside.
ps: I burnt the fuck out of my right leg yesterday molding 1/2" sintra to it. I mean like blisters and huge fucked up red marks a day later with scabs and puss.......BUT MAN IS THAT FUCKER LOOKING SWEET! I mean seriously...that bitch is pro molded to my leg..level, even, close in all the right spots..it's fucking sexy.....tottaly worth a few scabs and a little puss. fuck it..it's skin and hair..it grows back. and yes I did use a pair of pants and a sock..but it just wasn't enough. I found a new way though..my girls old "leggings" from 1998 wrapped in tin foil with the reflective side out...then I use large strips of tape (a few strips stuck to each other to make them wider) to strap the hot fresh baked plastic to my leg/arm whatever
...best thing is to have someone else do it while you hold down some vital areas they can strap the entire thing in place nice and tight...to eliminate all the having to reheat and reform steps. Once it was in place and all snugged up the way I wanted it...we then pulled teh kitchen sink house and sprayed water all down in side and around the outside to cool it and lock in the shape. worked awesome. I'm even thinking about using the shower, a huge bucket..ya know.