Oct 17, 2007 02:56
Look, it's Elizabeth's house! Other descriptions will be left to the typists of those who have like, been there ever.
* Claire|Philly 's mun...has no real idea what it looks like, sry. They're moving soon anyway, who cares. Aaaanyway. Once they are inside, Claire sits down on the nearest chair like she's suddenly exhausted. "So! What'd they tell you about West?"
Fuck descriptions! They're stupid. Uh. Anyway, Nathan sits near her. "Nothing too damaging." Other than that he exists.
"You'd probably like him...he's /really/ smart, he's reading that same book on genetics I am." Oh god, Claire, no. Just because you like someone doesn't mean your dad will. Especially if that person is a very tall, very cute teenage boy.
West is six inches taller than Nathan, haha. "/Really/." That is a dangerous, dangerous really. "We'll have to meet him." This is code for: meetings will take place effective yesterday.
* Claire|Philly eyes Nathan. "Be /nice/. I like him." She means this in a friend way! Except for when she totally thought West was going to make out with her!
He was TOTALLY GOING TO his typist is so nice. Aaaaanywhore. "I don't think it's really me you have to worry about." Really, with the amigos around, Nathan is the least of your makeoutblockery issues.
That is a TOTAL LIE. "All fathers would like their daughters to be nuns. Even though we realize it's unlikely."
* Claire|Philly laughs a little. "I'm...really not. ...um, that's probably weird of me to say, though."
"Probably, but I can handle it." He...probably can't, but he would like to think he can.
"Is that like...what you wanted to know about? Boys?" :\
"Well--yes." He did know she was dating, since...he met and terrified Connor. Hahaha oh god, meeting West will not be the same at /all/.
* Claire|Philly looks very carefully at her hands. "I haven't really dated a lot or anything, so. I mean, Connor was the best guy I've dated." 'Best.'
* Nathan|Philly is very careful back, because..aaaagh. "I'm sorry you weren't able to--as far as I know, he was all right. When Heidi and I came here."
* Claire|Philly chews her bottom lip. "He's a good guy. It was nice after--" She stops. "It was nice to be around someone like that."
* Nathan|Philly notes the stopping, and kind of hates it. He /knows/ already, and he still--really doesn't want to know. He sort of wishes he could put his arm around Claire, but she's on a chair so it would just be bizarre behavior. "After?"
"Just...boys can be jerks, you know?" She looks up at him, smiling in her sad way (the one Peter noticed in another universe, it might be familiar by now).
"I was one, once." The smile is inherited, maybe - Petrellis combat Horrible with Horrible Humor. "Heidi married me for some reason anyway." He means...a boy, not a jerk. Although he was/is one of those too! :D Just...not like Brody, ftlog.
* Claire|Philly smiles a little, almost laughing. Almost, not quite, because she's remembering. "Why do they /do/ that, then? You might have some insight. Although I doubt you were like the guys I knew in Texas."
HAHAH Nathan hopes not, or he will shoot himself. "Heidi's probably more qualified to answer than than I am." Jokes, they are good? This conversation huuuurts hello.
"I'll remember to ask her, then." She tucks her legs up and sits cross-legged. Yes, that means shoes at least halfway on the furniture. Sry, Elizabeth and Heidi.
* Nathan|Philly is a man, and a man who used to have a housekeeper; thus he is incapable of noticing shoes on furniture. "The guys in Texas were worse than the rest of us?" He would be hiding a tiny smile here, if this was...remotely not horrible.
"...I guess. But you probably don't wanna hear about that stuff." Ahah you just stare at the carpet like it is the most fascinating thing in the universe, there, Claire.
"Anything that you feel comfortable telling me, I'd like to hear." It's not true, but it's...a good kind of dad lie?
"...well. I mean, it's awkward, to tell /my dad/ about that stuff. Especially since I'm /really bad/ with boys and it's sort of embarrassing." Okay, she's not bad so much as 'had one bad encounter,' but her viewpoint of this is understandably warped.
Okay, despite the awful of this, Nathan does actually laugh now. "Claire, I don't--as your father I'm officially not allowed to say anything about that, but I think you're mistaken." He remember's Connor's stammered doe-eyedness, you see.
* Claire|Philly starts, immediately, "Then why--"
* Claire|Philly stops. "Maybe."
...okay, now we're going over to the chair. "You were going to say something."
"It's stupid." Oh, boy.
"Is it?" Level glance. Which, like most of this conversation, is a total facade.
* Claire|Philly picks at her shoelaces. "There was just this guy. Named Brody. He was an asshole to me. That's all."
* Nathan|Philly listens, because he is just not up to asking any more leading questions.
* Claire|Philly realizes she's supposed to say more. But she will not cry. Will not. Will /not/. "He just...um...we were at a bonfire, and he took me out to the bleachers, and...yeah." She's quiet now.
"Claire." That did not sound ANYTHING LIKE WEST, goddammit. He will hug her, because...anything else to do was already done. Bloodily.
* Claire|Philly ...cries. She knew she was going to when he hugged her. "He didn't--I don't /think/ he--he killed me." Mack didn't mention this part. "I w-woke up on the autopsy table, and...my chest was open, they /found me in the river/ without any clothes, I don't know--" She huffs. Breathe, Claire.
...........Mack COMPLETELY didn't mention this part. Nathan is going to figure out the right thing to say eventually. Somehow. Or he is totally going to kill someone...other than Brody. Right now he just hugs and rocks. And hugs. ;___;
* Claire|Philly closes her eyes, and tries to let herself feel safe. Finally.
"What do you need me to do?" ...there, that's sort of close to the right thing.
"Just...can we just--" She doesn't /know/. "Can we just not talk about it? Please?"
"Sure. Sure, we can--sure." Agh, why are you so good at not talking about stuff, Nathan. You should be telling her to see a doctor. >:(
"I just. I want to--pretend I'm still the same person." Even though she knows she's not, not at all.
"I know." And boy does he, actually! "I know." Moar hugging, and possibly hairkiss.
* Claire is just...going to stay like this, until people get home and they have to act normal again.
after hell,
nathan can't talk,