I, too, can be shallow.

May 28, 2009 18:13

First things first, I finally put a new layout up at terra. It's based off one of thrashmetal's, which was in turn based off the layout at typesites. It's also based of, y'know, Opal, which would be a nice style if everything weren't wrong with it ever. And by everything, I mean the sidebar. I'm probably going to fiddle around with it some, and maybe even see if I can get custom comments pages to work without nesting, &c, but that is a job for another romantic afternoon spent in the company s2howto.

But, on the subject of layouts!! As I was saying to whisperwords, font like this is impossible to read, so don't do it. Unless you're trying to level up in illegible or you are James Bond and don't want the Communists intercepting your coded messages, there's no reason for your layouts to be impossible to read. So stop doing it, 99% of layout communities.

So a while back tienslemonde gave me some stuff that reminded her of me to explain. That's the kind of meme this is. Sam gave me:

→ Final Fantasy VI Basically I really like Final Fantasy VI, if you've spoken with me for moments you have probably caught on. Further fact!! My username here is from a Final Fantasy VI character. Shocking. I don't know, it's my favorite game, and over time I've grown to love most things about it, including you know, the not-so-good parts. The setting gets me, I love Amano's artwork, it, um, has Locke in it. It's a game where a multi-part opera sequence with shifting points of view and costumed high theatrics can be derailed by a giant talking octopus. That's just how it rolls.

→ obscure comic book canons I don't even think any of the comics I read are that obscure, they just aren't all Young Avengers or Runaways or OOC buttsex so livejournal fandom is therefore nonexistent. But there are totally other people who read Ex Machina. Real comic book snobs don't buy crap from DC and Marvel and their comics come in intricate Chris Ware anthologies with depressing pop-out inserts.

→ cats I love my cats, and all other cats. They have pointy ears and their noses are tiny.

→ donuts This brings up one of Sam's major faults, namely, that she is British, and for some reason relating to that Britishness wouldn't believe that donuts are a breakfast food. But they are a breakfast food and I enjoy consumning them as such!! Really, our right to eat fried doughcake at any tie of the day seems more well-remembered than much of the actual Constitution.

→ fic I'm secretly this horrible fanfic elitist who sometimes goes to fanficrants to troll herself, because every time I go there I manage to find something that makes me want to claw my eyes from my sockets like so many shitty references to Greek mythology. I'm not elitist in the way I think most fanfic writers are-- it's not technical elitism. I mean, I don't cheer for misplaced semi-colons, or the absence of semi-colons altogether, but grammar is the small stuff. Words have ways of fitting together; if you can't string an attractive sentence the oxford comma will do you no good. On top of that most of my fandoms are near non-existent, I like gen, and I don't think touching a book written by SMeyer means your brains will spontaneously leak out your ears. I sort of like to picture myself afloat in a sea of poorly characterized hurt/comfort fic, my knuckles gone white around my only paddle. There is no food in this ocean. Two weeks ago I ate Clippy, my only companion, but his formatting tips can only sustain me for so long.

Also, I bought a McFlurry today and the ice cream in it isn't melting like normal ice cream. I'm kind of creeped out.

metaphors that go on too long, i mean it's lj how hard could it be, when memes attack!, final fantasy vi

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