Feb 25, 2008 23:01

There's one of those anonymous memes going around again, and I thought about submitting my name as I tend to do, because I need gratification and confidence and comments and attention like everyone else on the internet. But I didn't.

I'd just be fishing for compliments, really, because I can't take any criticism seriously that isn't said to my face. I'd get all huffy and then just write it off because at the end of the day I don't believe in anonymity. How perverse is it that technology has developed a way to be confrontational without the confrontation?

Besides, no one would comment. I have 250 people on my flist, but I'm not LJ popular like that.

But I like memes in general, because they allow me to prattle on in a self-interested manner. EXIBIT A, the INTEREST MEME. Comment on this post. I will choose seven interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along.. levels picked out these for me.

1. (un)dead romantics

I love Romantic poetry, specifically the Byron/Shelley/Keats era of ruffley poet shirts and post-Napoleonic disillusionment, but let's be honest, everything is better with vampires. Especially ruffley poet shirts. My always-in-progress comics masterpiece is thus titled "John Keats: Vampire Hunter" because consumption never stopped anyone from kicking ass, except in the literal sense, but I trust we're all mature enough to see beyond that. The basic premise of the comic is that Keats would be insufferable for an eternity, but Byron would be pretty funny, and Shelley would continue to have really ridiculous hair and get himself locked in some literary helltower or another. You can see some old pages from it here: 1 2 3 4

2. 12th century french literature

I dunno how to explain this one, it's exactly what it sounds like. I'm pretty obviously attracted to the ideals of chivalry and the inextricable tie between honor and violence, and nothing spells hot guys in armor like Chrétien de Troyes! Medieval literature is great, in that it has such a complex geometry and then occasionally drifts into the completely nonsensical. SPEAKING OF WHICH!!

3. jimmy olsen's wtfckery empire

I love James Bartholomew Olsen. He is the undisputed king of not making sense. For those of you not versed in basic comics lore, Jimmy Olsen is kind of like Superman's sidekick, except he has no powers or really any redeeming or specific qualities except freckles and looking good in drag. Jimmy had his own series in the fifties, sixties, and seventies, and which featured wacky hijinx and somewhat frequent trips to the thirtieth century. On a scale of one to ten, every issue rates MAJESTIC. Google search functions reveal this much!!

Note how he cunningly disguises himself as Jimmy von Olsen!

Don't pretend you wouldn't hit that.

He's just so gloriously subtle.

So yes. Jimmy Olsen. I love him.

4. the mysterious gourmet

In Tales of Symphonia, sometimes you'll be innocently rummaging for zenny in flowerpots or whatever, when suddenly, in a puff of divinely-scented smoke: LO! Behold the MYSTERIOUS GOURMET-- the WONDER CHEF. He appears before you in all his puff-hatted glory, and it is all you can do is stand in silence and be awed.

5. plotting vengeance on newton

I kind of hate Isaac Newton, and blame him for singlehandedly ruining my senior year of high school with his newfangled calculus and physic. Since then I have tried to collect embarrassing facts about his personal life in order to make myself feel smug and superior. These range from "his hissy fit caused a rift between British and continental mathematics for centuries" to "hahah he died a virign!" to poorly defacing his portrait in photoshop.

The weird thing is people are always trying to correct me on this, as if I'm not entitled to one irrational hatred. Pfah. Everybody gets one arch-nemesis, I just happened to pick one that's already dead, thus sparing me the cost of a giant laser canon aimed at the moon. But seriously, gravity? Who needs that?

6. suddenly it's euram barrows!

Euram Barows is the hero of Konami's excellent Suikoden V, the scion of the illustrious Barows family and sworn protector of the Queendom of Falena. Look at that pose! That grace! That courage! He exudes such a dashing aura, it's impossible not to fall in love with him. I know I keep his picture in my locker, covered with lipstick stains and prismatic heart stickers. ♥

7. king arthur's albino offspring

Kay, just so we're clear, I read books that were written for children. One of my favorites is The Dark is Rising sequence, and my twelve year old self had a big fondness for creepy albino boys that wore too-dark sunglasses. Especially when they were King Arthur's secret future-past baby? It...makes sense if you read it.

In other news, my favorite things tend to get butchered by mediocre Hollywood film treatments.

And this concludes my userinterest meme. If you want me to pick out stuff for you, tell me you're commenting for the meme, otherwise I get a bit lost.

On the offhand chance you want to get to know me better, here is some contact information:
AIM: xxAlethia
MSN: alex@valiantknife.org (this is neewww)
EMAIL: revanche@gmail.com

Anyway, just let me know if you want to add me so that I can do the same. I'm not exactly the most... prolific of correspondents, but we take what we can get.

srs bizness, poet shirts! with ruffles!, tales of symphonia, jimmy olsen: pimp?, when memes attack!, suikoden

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