Three things.

May 24, 2007 10:47

1) I don't care if you die, Peter, but please, don't take Nathan with you.

2) You don't take the 12 year old son of the Archadian Emperor to fight Tiamat. That makes you the worst babysitter ever. (No, I don't care if he makes a good meat shield and has an infinite supply of potions. It still seems wrong.) In other news, I finally took the hint and started FFXII.

3) LJ Videogame Iconist awards! Vote! My icons look so out of place there, hahaha. Hopefully I won't manage to lose the category where I'm the only nominee.

Also, shorelle, if your recent post means what I think it means I am a sad, sad panda. The good characters are so often the dead ones.

heroes, final fantasy xii, icons icons icons!!, my love is so expendable

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