Some sort of updates.

Mar 19, 2006 20:59

I did put various sections up at Amends. Quotes? In-battle? I'm not sure exactly, but I definitely did something there. Also, new affiliate: Fairytale! It's a Rydia shrine/fanlist (all my affiliates are shrine/fanlists ;_; If only there could be two Kain fanlistings!) from the same person who made Blackjack and the like.

I have decided I'm going to try to put together a much larger media section at Renaissance. With like, doujinshi scans and actual fan art and everything. Problem is I'm extremely cheap and extremely broke, so I don't know HOW I'm going to do this. Hmmm.

Also, I spent a whole heck of a lot of time trying to figure out a radio blog at Veracity, so eventually all my sites could have a music section. I have all the soundtracks/etc. Just...yeah. But I completely fail at Radio Blog. I figured out how to make the files smaller and convert to rbs on the mac, but it still doesn't work for me :( Curses! I'm not sure if it's because I use a Mac or what.

Updated links at astarael, I'm thinking of switching the link arrangements again because...I give up trying to add links in multiples of three. I also think I need to come up with a better way to arrange the collective portion of my collective. Some fandoms totally outweigh other fandoms...and I don't want to have FF IV-VI and FFVII-? as separate categories...

I also really want to get my personal site back again. I have the layout, the coding, and a lot of the personal content, I'm just really unsure about the other stuff I want to have. I have all my old and horrible writings on various topics. I thought about including a section of my favorite poetry, some of my art and comics, and I also have all these lj icons and tutoritals that probably need to be stashed somewhere. They were originally at my personal site, but I don't know if that's the way the trend runs nowadays. I also am contemplating a small digital works archive...because I dunno, to me my designs are personal.

I also have this desire to make a crazy Don CorneoxCloud fanlist/minishrine and call it "Tragic Love". But I must resist! At least untill the Locke situation is resolved. Curse you, killfors on troubles!

Because lots of people are asking me about this, I decided to explain my HORRIBLE SECRETS to the world at large.

Really, though. This layout is a modified version of "Flexible Squares". How did I modify it? Well, I set my LJ to "Flexible Squares", download the source w/the whole of the CSS and then proceed editing the CSS on my trusty text-editor. Because you can use an alternate stylesheet with S2, so many paths are open to you, although you nned to be kind of creative in your coding. (CSS override is in the "Edit Customizations" feature. It took me a long time to figure out.)

For a header image, you just have to add something like this:

.headerimage {
width: 530px;
height: 250px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
background-image: url(;
background-repeat: no-repeat;

Another trick is using "visibility: hidden;" on a class you just want to go away.

I absolute positioned the whole thing because screwing too much with margins ETC makes IE unhappy and absolute positioning is an easy way to get around that. I don't have IE, so I don't bother to work out detailed fixes for it. Yes.

But feel free to ask about whatever with regards to any of my coding/layouts. Er, I'm not exactly a reliable standards compliant source, but I'll happily answer any questions :)
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