(no subject)

Jun 27, 2009 01:36

Comment and I give you 5 words, you explain them in some way that relates to you!
_pinkfish gave me these:

You can never have too much anime. Obviously one of my passions in life, the stories range from genius to lunacy, but they're always amusing in some way or another. Of course, some are notably better than others, and much of it depends on your mood, and your level of interest.

I've felt this strange "connection" to this country since my early teens (perhaps even before, I can't quite remember when it started). The more I learn about it, the more I want to learn about it. It fascinates me, the country, the people, the culture, the legacy. And I don't know why.
I don't think I'll ever go there though.

Something of which the world has not enough. It always cheers me up when I read stories of unexpected, random acts of kindness. Gives me a sparkle of hope for humanity.

Has to be chocolate ! Clearly one of the three addictions in my life. I can go for a few days without, but I honestly can't remember the last time I went for a whole week without any cocoa products. Other candy can be okay as well, but I'm as dependent on them.

I used to loathe going out clubbing on Friday- / Saturday-nights, until deamonboy took me to Baroeg one night. I was among freaks, and suddenly felt comfortable. Or at least a lot more comfortable then I was in regular 'hipster' clubs. I kind of stuck around, and although I never was able to completely surrender myself to the goth lifestyle, I still very much enjoy the atmosphere, the music and the people. And it got me some of the dearest friends of my life.


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