
May 14, 2009 01:34

Hi folks !

What's happening you say ?
Nothing much really.
Went to see the new Star Trek movie. To the premiere actually :)
That was fun !
Sort-of red carpet thingy. Cheap champagne in plastic flutes :P
Oh, the party was hosted by Veronica so there was some nice eye-candy for the heterosexual male and lesbian attendees :)
And free popcorn, and a free beverage during the movie, so I was quite satisfied the way it turned out.
The movie itself was actually pretty good too.

Last Saturday I went to see Passie Posse in Fascinus to support my cousin Busy R. in an attempt to make it to the finals of De Grote Prijs Van De Bollenstreek, a local talentshow, sort of.
Their competition that night were 4 punk/rock/metal bands, so they were clearly the underdogs. (you know, being a Christian HipHop act and all)
Obviously, they were not picked for the finals, but they did get a lot of applause !
Don't know if that was mockery or respect, but despite them being rather out-of-place I got the distinct feeling people respected their effort.

Furthermore, I have been without work since the beginning of this month. I'm not out if a job, just out of work :)
My assignment over at T-systems ended, and now I'm looking into other potential clients. Which comes down to the account managers looking for openings, and me sitting at home scrutinizing what they send my way once every 3 days or so. And in the mean time I get to stay up late, sleep in, play video games etc. and still get paid.
This crisis thing isn't treating me half bad, I must say.
Next week I got two interviews with potential clients so I'll just wait and see what they have to offer.

To pass the time I play video games or meet up with people when I'm up for it.
Lately I'm quite hooked on the "Legend of Heroes" series for the PSP. But what I'm really craving for is a new game in the style of Tex Murphy. I loved those games.

music, out, 1337

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