
Aug 31, 2008 05:32

Well another few weeks gone by.
What have I been up to ?
Not much, really...

I got fired. Well sort of. They can't really fire me, 'cause I'm not really doing anything wrong. It's just that they want to change my job description. And I don't like the changes. Thus I'm less motivated, and less effective. So they want me out. Fine. Whatever.
So now I'm going to an outplacement agency who are going to assist me every step of the way 'till I find a new job suited to my liking / capabilities.
Considering the current job market, this has absolutely no downsides for me. Yay.

My dad's doing pretty good. He has had his 5th chemo treatment. There won't be a 6th despite earlier news. That's how well he's doing. He can eat small thing now, like soup or small chunks of bread. He only throws up once every few days, when he rushes a meal.
In a few weeks time he'll have another talk with the hospital, to see if he can consume and digest solid food. Else he might have to have another surgery done, to widen his intestinal channel. I think it just now begins to sink in how much this will influence his life, and his (eating) habits.

I'm enjoying my life a little bit more than usually, which for me is reason for concern. It all still seems rather futile to me, and I still have no long term vision, but at least I'm enjoying the here-and-now. I like my car, my baby... <3
I like talking to the guys on the Ford Probe forums.
Read stuff about my car, learn new things. Also helps to determine some future mods ;)
Watch some obscure Anime every now and then.
Play some vintage video games.
I don't know, little things I guess.
But the fact remains that although I still have no future, no goals... there are currently no real obstacles in my life.
I wish I could feel happy about that.


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