
Apr 20, 2008 13:35

Haven't really had much to post about this week. "Took some pain pills and emptied leg bag. Slept for a few hours, got up and ate, then went back to sleep." Probably the most exciting thing to happen was getting rid of the catheter on Friday. Given that I was originally supposed to get rid of it on Thursday but the urologist felt I should take a medication for two days prior to removing it, I was doubly glad to get rid of it.

Went to Church this morning; people were sweet, everyone knew I'd had surgery this week and they were giving me these gentle hugs. They're having the annual meeting to elect new Board members this afternoon, but I'm gonna skip it in favor of laying around. Gave my Springfield Cards tickets to Sue; she'll enjoy them more than I would've, and Mom wasn't too thrilled about the prospect of going. I take her to the cardiologist in the AM to see how her treatment is going to progress.

Other than being sore and itchy (the pain pills give me the creepy crawlies, combined with the fact that I'm a hairy goomer and they shaved my abdomen before surgery), I've been feeling great. I could tell immediately that this feeling of everything I ate making me feel kind of nauseous was gone. I haven't eaten a wide variety of food since, but everything I have eaten has settled well. I'm tickled that I've got that silliness behind me. Thanks for the kind words and good wishes from my friends in LJ land.
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