Apr 05, 2005 19:02
okay so ive had this strange bump on my eyelid for a while..probably like 2 months or so. mom said just leave it alone/soak it with a warm cloth...normal things. i was thinking it was some sort of weird stye or something. lately it has been bothering me a lot. its real itchy and whenever i touch it it hurts a lot.
so this morning i was really annoyed by it. it kept bothering me. so finally i got out of bed and looked in the mirror. hoooly shit was it fucked up.
i have this red...thing...thats on my eye..like you can see it
its the bump, but it grew
and its on my eye now.
so i freaked out. i called mom and im like omg wtf is it mom jeeesus
and she tried to calm me down and told me to go to the health center
so i did.
and they were like..well what did you do to it etc. and i told them ive had it for a while and the lady checked it out and everything and told me she was referring me to an optomitrist.
so i said well, what do you think it is? she had no idea. and i said well, what do you think theyre going to do about it? she told me that theyre probably going to have to "remove it" and i said..wait, like surgery?
i might have to get surgery on my eye and that is the scaries fucking thing ive ever been told.
anything but my eye i wouldnt even give a shit but i mean...this is my eye! aaah :( im so scared!!!
and i still dont even know what it is!
i have that appointment on the 22nd so i guess i find out then. :-/
fuck :(