some thaaangs

Dec 23, 2011 17:51

+ So I understand that LJ has fucked up their commenting system (plus, made it hideous) and that this is making some people migrate over to dreamwidth. In case anyone is planning on this, I have one already that has the absolute exact same content as my LJ, it is HERE, and I will friend you if you want to keep following me from over there.

I should add that I actually have some free codes should anybody want to create a dreamwidth account just for whatever; just hit me up, I've got about ten of them.

+ Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows couldn't have possibly been a gayer movie. It really couldn't have. Well, I suppose Jude Law and RDJ could have made out on screen, and that would have done it, but you hardly needed it. The interesting thing is, I like Watson's wife too. Maybe I just like the actress, but her character isn't set up to be obnoxious or horrible, and she's pretty collected and capable, especially in dealing with Holmes. I figured she was there in the first one to make Watson and Holmes look less gay for each other, but she and Watson are married in this one and there's about triple the innuendo going on as the first one.
They kind of wasted Noomi Rapace, also. Her character could have been cooler; there was potential, but by the end she wasn't even speaking lines anymore.
And just realized, Jude Law and Stephen Fry actually played lovers in another life movie, so him being in there as well was kind of...amusing?

+ Gonna have a Christmas gift for ya'll. Hopefully up by tomorrow night.

dreamwidth, livejournal, movies

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