
Aug 26, 2011 11:20

I am right now going to declare September as

Which basically is going to mean working on Tenebrism and In Manitou a lot. I mean, I'll be working on other things (PSoG nearly has a finished chapter; Skiagraphia is in beta) but those two are going to be my concentrations. I really want to finish both of them and I know that I can get In Manitou finished in a month since I didn't tear the whole damn thing down and rebuild it, like I did with Tenebrism. The biggest change in it is that it's now taking place in 1989, or at least starts off there since the other stories are later on. Because so many things make so much more sense that way.

I am excited about this because I'm just really tired of these old drafts embarrassing me and people coming out of nowhere to tell me how bad they are (why weren't they doing this years ago when I started posting them, jeez, it might have helped then) so I can't wait until they're done.

novel - tenebrism, novella - in manitou, rewrites month!, writing

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