Title: Tenebrism
Status: in rewrites
Chapter word count: 19,333
Warnings: language
Additional notes: Even longer chapter than the last one, which will also be split in a more finalized version of the story. But you get both halves because not a lot happens in the first part. The link below is a fake cut to my dreamwidth again. Fictionpress version
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It's also interesting to come back and revisit the very beginning of their relationship, before they became a couple, when they're struggling to understand each other and don't really know how to behave around or speak to each other. It's really nice to reflect on how much their relationship has developed over the course of the series, and how much they've both grown.
And on a random note, I loved the line, I’d bet the guy was weird on his home planet, too. It always makes me smile when Alan thinks these sort of things about Keyd, probably because they're so... true. Keyd is genuinely one of my favourite characters in anything I've ever read; I just have the biggest soft spot for complicated, intimidating-yet-somehow-endearing oddballs.
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