Title: Tenebrism
Status: in rewrites
Chapter word count: 19,333
Warnings: language
Additional notes: Even longer chapter than the last one, which will also be split in a more finalized version of the story. But you get both halves because not a lot happens in the first part. The link below is a fake cut to my dreamwidth again. Fictionpress version
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I really have a weakness for any kinds of fish-out-of-water type characters, both reading and writing, so having Keyd be a confused derp occasionally is really fun for me~ :)
And yeah, I do think that the chapter-by-chapter updates are probably really hurting a new readership that isn't familiar with the arc of the story, because Alan does appear kind of useless, but it'd only been five chapters! Also, I think that having male characters who aren't super confident/bad-ass from the get go isn't something people expect, because it's not a usual trait for them, so it maybe upsets/annoys people on some kind of unconscious level. Which strikes me as kind of frustrating/unfair - in the same way we have these expected portrayals of female characters that don't actually reflect real women very well - because it starts feeling like all men/male character HAVE to be ( ... )
Keyd <3 Thinking about Keyd just makes me smile. He's one of the cutest characters ever while still not really falling into the category of a 'cute' character. He just issss. I'm looking forward to seeing his confusion through his own POV when that story eventually becomes a thing, though it does have a special charm through Alan's eyes. Alan knows. Alan knows Keyd is adorable as fuck. What are some more synonyms for cute? I've used that and adorable too many times already.
I'm so glad you like him~ :) And that 'cute but not cute' thing is definitely what I go for with him. I'm REALLY excited to get around to his POV; when the Tenebrism rewrites are done his story is going to drop into that slot for getting a lot more attention. I've done some, but it needs a ton of work and wordcount before anything can be shared.
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