At Home, and my dolls

Apr 06, 2010 19:32

Today I have quite a strong flu, I feel really bad x_x I want to work but my efforts were so poor xD!  Anyway... I can't stop being a crazy doll lover and collector...I'm just wanted to do a resume of the dolls that have been with me since I started; please feel free to do it too! like... a meme?
I think there is already a meme of this xD but I don't know for sure.

Only head / Gone / Almost complete! / Perfect, OK

2003 Demens: Volks MSD Nasha (Nasia, Nasya...) - Currently lovely kept as a doll, but the character probably will move to another vessel. She was my first doll and I still like her lots, but now I'm more inspirated by other kind of dolls, her character needs to "grow up".

2004 Mamimi: Volks Dollfie Dream - Sold, I'm keeping her character and will reborn in another doll too.

2005 'that head' - Sold. I can't even remember the brand right now, it was for Mamimi's DD body, but I didn't like it, so I sold it pretty soon.

2005 Rea: Luts CP Soo dark elf vampire - Love at first sight, I'm a starving artist so she had body on 2008 UXD She's currently my spoiled one along with Parvati. And she will have a surprise for everybody soon

2005 Idun: Volks SDC Kurenai - Always surronding Demens. She was really a crazy buy of last moment! And I could get her thanks to a friend, through Crescent and YahooJ.

2005 Pârvati: Volks discontinued F12 SD13 S - She was really my first sight love when I started on dolls, and probably the most spoiled one <3 She got her SD13 oldskin body at the end of 2006 through YJA. too

2006 Xune: Leeke D Honey + YOSD girl body - My ex-boyfriend's gift (for birthday, for christmas, for birthday...) I always liked Honey, but I'm still wondering about her character >
2007 Msdoll #3 - I wanted to do my gothic and angelical boy, but it not worked, this head recently went to China : ) I wonder if it arrived yet.
2008  Mori: Elfdoll Lovely Yumi - My girlfriends unexpected gift : ) I couldn't afford her when she was released as LE by Elfdoll. She will be introduced in society soon, hopefully xD

2009 Ginebra Brunhilde: Elfdoll Alice Cherry Blossom 1st - Another love-at-first-sight, I couldn't afford her when released, and luckily a Spanish girl sold her to me at the release price that spring : ) I still have to re-do her make-up, made her more clothes, and buy glass eyes...
She is Parvati's

2009 Gomidoll Idue - I wanted to make a stray dog with him, I really like Idue; but I decided to sell to a friend who will play much more with him... there are other dolls outside that perhaps I want more...

2010 ???  - Secret project xD *rolls*

2010 Shigure: Unidoll Jace - At least!!!! : ) I looooooove this one, He is Rea's husband. I was very surprised when Unidoll discontinued this head and I hurried up and did my best to have him. He is flying to here right now! I hope I could get his body somewhat soon...

my dolls

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