My dad just got a digital camera, so I decided to do something a bit silly. I guess the Emo self-portraits can wait = P
It's time to make toast! The evil way!
First go to the fridge, Darth Tater suggests using the force to open the door, but if you are unable your hand will do.
Find the loaf of bread (Note the lack of FOOD in my fridge. It is always like this)
Then open the bag and take out a slice of bread.
And if you feel really hungry, take 2. Darth Tater is famished after a
long day of terrorizing the farm, so he wants two pieces of bread
Then put the toast into the toaster. Laugh at their cruel fate as they
look forward to a death of burning, and crumbification. But wait! One
is stuck!
Wooow Darth Tater! Be carefull with putting that knife in the toaster! You could get fried! But now the toast is no longer jammed..
Then pull down the knob..thing.. and listen as Lord Tater laughs at the foolishness of these rebel pieces of bread.
Then wait, and watch them toast from a safe vantage point (Darth Tater
says to always watch toast, since it could set on fire and destroy your
Still waiting! Darth Tater is getting close to unleashing his amazing
evil powers on these foolish pieces of wheat. (The toast took like 5
minutes to toast, and it didn't even get brown)
Then take the charred corpses of the pieces of bread and place
them on a plate. Feel free to brag to them about your victory, and
point out how toasted they are.
Then obtain what you would like to place on your toast. Darth Tater suggests peanut butter, the most evil of toppings.
Get a knife and put some peanut butter on it. Please note a lightsaber
will merely melt the peanut butter, and then it will be disgusting. So
you must use a metal or plastic knie.
Spread the peanut butter the same way you spread terror, repeatedly and
consistently until everything is covered! (Or in this case the toast is)
Then Enjoy!