Published methods for inducing the rapid autolytic breakdown of yeast RNA include heat shok , starvation, 3 0 and chilling to 0°C.32W e have found that exposure of a suspension of commercial baker’s yeast to a temperature of 70°C for 1 min, a time considerably exceeding that recommended for Candida yeast, causes degradation of RNA to commence without delay when the suspension is subsequently incubated at 50°C.
Trevelyan, W. E. (1976). Autolytic methods for the reduction of the purine content of baker's yeast, a form of single‐cell protein. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 27(8), 753-762.
Ohta, S., Maul, S., Sinskey, A. J., & Tannenbaum, S. R. (1971). Characterization of a heat-shock process for reduction of the nucleic acid content of Candida utilis. Applied microbiology, 22(3), 415-421.
Comments 8
- Почему это физики всегда требуют такое дорогое оборудование? Вот, например, математики просят лишь деньги на бумагу, карандаши и ластики. Подумав, добавил, а философы, те ещё лучше, им даже ластики не нужны.
а эти и карандаши с бумагой сами купят!
Oriental Yeast Co. (Tokyo, Japan),
Toyo Jozo Co. (Tokyo, Japan),
Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co. (Tokyo, Japan),
Kaneka Co. (Osaka, Japan),
Asahi Chemical Industry Co. (Tokyo, Japan)
Hirasawa, R., & Yokoigawa, K. (2001). Leavening ability of baker's yeast exposed to hyperosmotic media. FEMS Microbiology letters, 194(2), 159-162.
shok , starvation, 3 0 and chilling to 0°C.32W e have found that exposure of a suspension of
commercial baker’s yeast to a temperature of 70°C for 1 min, a time considerably exceeding that
recommended for Candida yeast, causes degradation of RNA to commence without delay when
the suspension is subsequently incubated at 50°C.
Trevelyan, W. E. (1976). Autolytic methods for the reduction of the purine content of baker's yeast, a form of single‐cell protein. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 27(8), 753-762.
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