Dragoncon's Ultimate Nerfpunk vs. Buzzbee!!!

Mar 31, 2011 10:47

Alright my lovelies listen up. Last year at dragoncon, some of us got together and decided we wanted to do something different. Rather then buy a bunch of nerf guns and paint them to match our outfits, we turned the tables. We still bought the guns but then matched our outfits to the outlandishly bright colors on them. This was a blast and I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to do this with.

Now as awesome as this was... I couldn't afford or find a nerfgun on the 2 weeks notice I had to make the costume. So I settled for a Buzzbee. I was the only non nerf member of the awesome brigade. SO we decided this year, lets take it a step further... Nerfpunk vs. Buzzbees... Consider this a formal recruitment.

I'm looking for people who want to do this with me at Dragoncon. My Buzzbee dress had moved on to a new owner so I intend to make a new one for my Rapid Fire Tek. So here's the plan. Choose a gun, MUST be a Buzzbee, and build your costume around it. The costume must be made with 90% of the colors on the gun. Here's a link. www.buzzbeetoys.com/USglobal/AirBlasters/indexAB.html We will set up a meet for a photoshoot with the Nerfpunks and let the good times commence.

Here's a shot of last years group and see what happens when you dont have a nerf gun. Lets make it awesome this year and maybe see this to become a tradition!

So... Who's in?
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