May 28, 2008 15:23
Hey guys! We're roughly two months out from Terminus (!!!), so we thought it was a good time to get to know each other. Please fill out the information below and post it as a comment to this entry. This is to see who is coming, where they're from, and what we're all into -- discussions and conversations stemming from comments encouraged! Let's get socializing :D
Name/LJ handle:
Age (optional :D):
Traveling from:
Years in Fandom?
Other cons attended, if any:
Day and time you're arriving:
Other meet-ups at Terminus you'd like to attend: (eg: Snarry, Snupin, etc.)
Roomies @ Terminus?
For fun!
Hogwarts House:
Favorite HP book:
Favorite H/D (or other) Author(s)?
Favorite H/D (or other) Artist(s)?
Favorite place to read H/D (archive, community, fest):
Favorite non-H/D pairing(s):
Anything extra you'd like to share?:
who's who