What If...

Nov 28, 2009 19:49

Plot bunnies gnawing at my brain again.

Title: What if...
Author: Me! Also known as Gemfyre :)
Character/Pairing: Sarah/Kyle
Rating: G
Warnings: Maybe vague spoilers for the first movie?
Summary: And another timeline branches off
Disclaimer: These are James Cameron's characters, not mine, but you all knew that. :)

Sarah felt all the strength go out of her body as she sprawled against the wall she bad been backed up against, and was surprised to find enough energy to push the endo forearm away from her with alarming force. It was proof that everything that had happened wasn’t just some bad dream. Then, as if to confirm the reality of it all, her thigh finally registered the piece of shrapnel embedded in it and pain shot up her leg. She squealed at the pain and immediately reached for the offending piece of metal.
“Sarah!” Now the pain was briefly replaced by relief. Kyle had only been knocked out, not killed.
“Over here!!” She could hear crashing sounds as he stumbled toward her, then appeared between two vats. It was like seeing an angel. “My leg!” she gasped, once again moving to pull out the shrapnel. Kyle made it over to her quickly.
“No, leave it alone. Worst thing you can do is pull it out.”
“It might have severed something, and if that’s the case it’s stopping you from bleeding to death.”
“Oh God it hurts.” She leaned back and closed her eyes and tried to blot out the burning in lower body.
“We’re gonna need to treat it, but we can’t stay here.” She wished that they could just call an ambulance she’d seen soon be pumped full of painkillers, but she knew that was never going to be the case again.
“This place will be crawling with cops any minute now.” Kyle helped her up and they made their way out of the factory as quickly as they could, which wasn’t fast but was still faster than Sarah imagined she could have moved considering the circumstances. Police response must have been slow, they made it to the door just as the howl of sirens began to fill the air.

They found an unlocked car and Kyle hotwired it and they drove. Nowhere in particular, just staying on the move. Although the worst of it was over, she knew she was in big trouble. She mentally listed all the crimes she and Kyle had committed trying to save themselves. Illegal firearms, explosives, stealing cars, the shootout at Tech Noir, Kyle’s rant at the police station, the fact that the mysterious phone book killer that had beset the local Sarah Connor’s would disappear off the face of the earth without a clue to lead to his identity. She had nothing left, only the clothes she wore, she’d even lost her wallet somewhere along the way.
“Archers!” She suddenly blurted. Now it was Kyle’s turn to look at her strangely.
“The Archers, I babysit for their kids sometimes. Rick Archer always comes in to work for chilli fries, he told me they were heading to Florida for a few weeks, the house will be empty. Hell, I even know where they keep the spare key. We could hunker down there for a bit, get cleaned up. Rest.” Kyle nodded thoughtfully, impressed.
“Good thinking. How do I get there?”
“Left at the next lights.”

They parked the stolen car in the garage so it couldn’t be seen from the street. Sarah felt a little guilty about taking advantage of somebody’s else’s house, but then she remembered the big picture and she was sure the Archers would understand. Then she was torn between leaving a note of explanation and apology or just going all out and making it look like a break-in. They made a bee-line for the bathroom, Sarah leaning heavily on Kyle and limping. She sat down carefully on the toilet seat and told Kyle to rummage through the cupboards. Having three kids they were well equipped. Antiseptic, bandages, painkillers, alka-seltzer. Kyle left briefly and returned with two glasses of water and they downed their pills of choice. Then he unwrapped a bandage and tied it tightly around her leg.
“Ow! What are you doing?”
“It’s gonna have to come out.”
“But you said…”
“Considering our circumstances, it can’t stay there. At least I can stem the blood flow now and we can find out how bad it is.” He tied off another bandage below the wound.
“I’ve got pins and needles.”
“Good. You might wanna close your eyes.” She did as she was told and held her breath as Kyle slowly but steadily removed the piece of metal lodged in her thigh. It was relatively smooth and had gone in about two inches. To his relief blood didn’t spurt out. Sarah stifled a scream, not wanting to draw any attention from neighbours. “It’s okay, it’s not arterial. Just need to keep it clean and make sure it heals up nicely.” She stared at him, amazed. Then managed a smile.
“Hey, it really is us against the world now. You’re gonna have to ditch those pants before we can dress that wound properly. Will they have clothes we can take?” Sarah couldn’t help giggling as she replied, “Sure.” Kyle looked at her strangely. “What?”
“Oh, nothing.” She said, carefully standing and removing her battered jeans. “Hey, are YOU okay?” Kyle shrugged, “I’ve been worse. Anyway, that seltzer’s starting to kick in. Now I can do this with a clear head.”
“Well, that’s a relief.”
“You had enough painkillers?” He retrieved a bottle of betadine and some gauze, “This is really gonna sting.”

After they had treated their injuries, they showered, raided the kitchen for a bite to eat then retired to what Sarah informed him was a guest room. She explained that she’d feel bad about using the master bedroom. She fell onto the bed and sighed.
“Do we have enough time to sleep?” Kyle looked around the room and joined her.
“Nobody knows we’re here. We’ll sleep until we wake up then move on, ditch the car.”
“Will there be more of those terminators?” There was a pause before Kyle replied,
“I don’t know.”
They slept in each others arms.

*fic, movie: t1, pairing: kyle reese, +alternate universe, pairing: john connor, ~het, #gemfyre, rating: g

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