Round 11 :: Themes

Dec 01, 2010 10:53

  • You must be signed up to participate in this round.
  • The challenge will be closed roughly at midnight EST on the 20th.
  • Icons should be: no more than 40kb, 100x100px, not animated, PG-13 at most, new and made specifically for this challenge, made by you.
  • Icons can be posted here or linked to at a journal/community of your choice. Posts must remain public until the round ends.
  • You don’t need to worry about tagging your posts! I will tag them for you.
  • If you would like a participation banner, please say so in either your post to this community or the post with your icon table.
  • Post with 3 teaser icons.
  • Please, try to comment on each others posts!


*1. Black - This icon should be mostly black. Examples below.
2. Cool Colors - Make an icon with cool colors, so lots of blues, greens and purples.
3. Danger - Show a character either in danger or being dangerous.
4. Emotions - This icon should show a character feeling (or pretending to feel) intense emotion.
5. Hello/Goodbye - This icon must show a character either greeting or saying goodbye to someone.
6. Naughty or Nice - Exactly what it says on the tin! Show a character either being naughty or nice.
7. Name - This icon must have a character’s name on it.
*8. Sidelined - The subject of this icon should be sharply to one side. Examples below.
9. Victory - Show a character winning something, being or feeling victorious.
10. Weakness - Interpret the concept of weakness in your icon.

*Black Examples


jadeleopard // shadowsong_13

*Sidelined Examples


sucksucksmile // devinecancerian

Guess Who?

Make 5 icons. None of the icons should clearly show the faces of the characters.

This is pretty self explanatory. Create 5 icons of anything from the Terminator-verse that you want, anything at all.

Here’s the handy table coding! Just fill in your icon urls.


blackcool colorsdangeremotionshello/goodbye
naughty or nicenamesidelinedvictoryweakness





If you have any questions or need more examples, let me know here.

round: 11, section: themes

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