Jun 26, 2005 07:18
I had such a fun day yesterday, I spent 6 hours of my wonderful time in the air conditioned ER watching tv. The german brazil football match was really intentse, really great semi final game. After that I proceeded to look around the room at everybody else then and contemplated cutting off one of my fingers to bump the line. Lucky for me I didn't, cause the guy who cut his foot with a chainsaw still ended up waiting a helluava long time. It's funny when you spent enough time sitting around waiting with the same people that you all seem to unite, if only for a short time. Eventually somebody broke the silence saying something like "they haven't called anyone in hours" and we broke into some small talk making of fun of waiting and health care. You form a small bond with these people as you sit in your misery, but that bond is quickly shattered when somebody who showed up after you, who doesn't appear to be dieing, gets to go before you. You secretly start to loathe these people. One of the ladies who was sitting with us got called before all of us (she had spent the least amount of time) She looked so scared to get up at first as if we were going to eat her alive. I finally got called after 6 hours and only spent about 10 minutes waiting for the doctor who informed me I have 2nd degree burns and sent the nurse in to banadage my blistered arm (which she didn't) and also gave me this cream, which I would find out "may turn my skin black"... so a reverse Michael Jackson? -Hiiiiii-oooooo-! *Took me the drive home to come up with that one*
So I got home with my quickly turning black skin, and passed out around 10 after being awake over 30 hours yesterday. When I woke up I had absolutly no idea what time it was, and I actually questioned what day it was. I must of woken up last night and looked at my clock, but the power went out a few times yesterday, so I musta seen some weird time.
So all and all I don't feel like dieing anymore, my face is already peeling, and the banadage seems to be helping my arm.