Michael Richards, why are you a racist bastard? why?
everyone oughta go see the movie THE FOUNTAIN by Mr. Darren Aronofsky
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0414993/ he's such the goddamned best new director... this is one of the best movies i've seen in years, by far my favorite of this year (topping Mirrormask, The Departed and Borat).
in other news i'm sendin my resume to Uncle John's Bathroom Reader
http://www.bathroomreader.com/ hopin hopin they might hire me or at least let me volunteer. i've kinda been going insane because bein a chef doesn't pay now that the Shakespeare Festival is done. i get more days off than ever, which is good for the readin, geetar, playwritin and red death poetic shit, but goddamn i miss those $450-a-week paychecks :(
i'm beginning to get really anxious to move to Seattle. i want to go tomorrow! today! ack!
and now it's time...
time to get drunk and go to work...