Aug 31, 2006 00:35
i read roll in ston'd on occasion. i know i shouldna but i justa can'ttt fuckin help meself.
the newest one had a cover story on Bob mcDylan, "The Genius of Bob Dylan" no less!!:!,
nowfirst of all i enjoy the dylan and i enjoy the fact that he has a new record comin out despite the fact that the last one was ass-shit on a cross-magnet. ol' Bobby Zimmerman was quoted sayin: "...I don't know anybody who's made a record that sounds decent in the past twenty years, really. You listen to these modern records, they're atrocious, they have sound all over them." (page 76).
so mista illa-Dylan hasn't heard one good album in the past 20 years? he obviously ain't never listened to no Nirvana, circa "In Utero" or Elliott Smith's early shit. these are good records. and good shit comes out every year that ain't over-produced and over-rated like his albums are. i think tha mista Dillan oughta take a lesson from mista magic Tom Waits.
(and, excuse me, robert, sir, but aren't fuckin records SUPPOSED to have "sound all over them"??? and... perhaps... sometimes sound, "atrocious"??)
and why the fuck does he praise Alicia Keys' albums so much? he even references her in the first song on his new rec. check, what? she be as over-produced and over-rated as anything on the radio. though she plays a good piano, despite it.
dylan is a fuckin ego-factory.
... etc..
i think i'm gonna start me a blog
critique em... and stuff....
it will be called: strangeness and melon collie sap, part seven.
would you read it???