Stupid People

Aug 23, 2007 12:18

This is a story about how a stupid person made my night alot more interesting then I wanted it to be.  If there is one thing I can't stand it's people who don't have the mental ability to be in leadership roles controlling what other people do.

I have Nero this weekend and my schedule has it that I would have to work, it being a red night.  This isn't good except for the fact that we can "trade" days with people on the other side of the week.  People do this all the time, it's very common and easy to do and figure out.  Someone from the red side finds someone from the blue side and they trade the days.  The red guys works blue nights and the blue guy works the red nights.  There is a blue night rolltender named Renaldi that I'm pretty good friends with and we've traded nights before in the past.

Two weeks ago I went up to Jim, the blue night foreman, and told him about the two trade days I had coming up.  I had already talked to Renaldi about them and he was cool with trading.  I even wrote down in great detail exactly what days I wanted to trade as I have had past experience with Jim and he gets busy and forgets to post things of this nature.  That way later when he goes digging in his pocket he goes huh what's this?  Oh yeah I need to post this trade day.  Now this is important because if I had JoJo, the red night foreman, post it then I could see that maybe Jim hadn't seen it, didn't know about it, whatever.  But I had HIM post it.

On to this week when the trade days come up.  I had to work for Renaldi Mon and Tues so that I could have Fri and Sat off.  There is unlimited overtime at my job so every night Jim has a list of who is extra and where he wants them to work.  As I was filling in for somebody I wasn't on this list.  Now Renaldi had asked to come in anyway as he needed the money.  This is also not uncommon though not strictly by the book it happens often enough that nobody thinks twice about it.  So I go in Mon and find Jim for him to ask me "Who are you here for?" obviously forgetting the trade day he posted.  {Sigh} he's a busy man whatever so I tell him "trade day with Renaldi but he came in anyways, where do you want me?"  So the monday passed without further incident and I only mention it because this is him getting a reminder the night before about the trade days HE posted.

Tues night is the night I'm pissed and bitching about because on this night Renaldi didn't want to work, he had made plans.  So I show up and go find Jim and he says "Who are you here for?" as once again I wasn't on his list.  "trade day with Renaldi" Looking over his list, he had a couple presses down so he has a long list of extra people.  "You want to stay and work? Ummmm well, I don't really need you. You want to do your trade day tomorrow insted cuz I'll probaly need you then." "ok Jim if I have to but I have to call my dad right now if I'm leaving so make up your mind." "Go"

Brief instert into my rant, my battery had died Mon sometime and I didn't find out about it until Mon night right as I was heading off for work.  So my awesome father whom I love dearly drove me in.  I had tried to get a friend to bring me in Tues night but she blew me off at the last minute so my dad had to drive me in again.

So I call my dad and have him turn around to come pick me up again.  I'm waiting outside for a couple minutes when Jim comes running out "Oh good you haven't left yet.  I do need you to run press 9."  "and why didn't you tell me this a couple minutes ago BEFORE I called my dad?"   "I thought I had Renaldi"  {SCREAM OF FRUSTRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!}
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