Title: Together At Fault
Series: Dragon AgeCharacters: Alistair Theirin, F!Brosca
Words: 1,646
Summary: Same verse as Seeing Beneath Your Masks. After sending Alistair to Morrigan for the ritual, his fellow Warden is left to think over what she's done to the man she loves. What happens when he comes back to her isn't quite the reaction she expected either.
Carina choked on another sob as she buried her face in Salroka’s fur, one arm wrapped as tightly around the big mabari as she could. Her ever loyal hound whined and lathed his broad tongue across her face as if telling her that it would be alright, that he was there for her. The feel of something brushing across the brand on her face, however, made her think of Alistair, of his habit of running his fingers over it whenever they were in private and fresh tears welled in her eyes. She was a terrible excuse for a Grey Warden and selfish; far more selfish than any Warden had a right to be. There was a reason the motto included the word sacrifice. And she was too Stone-damned duster for her own good. That left her at where she was: lying in Alistair’s bed with her dog, waiting for him to come back from the fate she’d sent him to. He hadn’t wanted to go, had begged her not to make him do it but she had talked him into it. She was selfish and wanted so much to keep him.