Title: Tornillo de Orejas Inocentes
Series: Dragon Age
Characters: Zevran Arainai, M!Cousland, Morrigan
Words: 1,539
Summary: Taking some liberty with the completion of a relationship with Zevran. In short, after he gives Cousland the earring, our dearest assassin has doubts about Cousland staying because of his past. Cousland, of course, is out to prove Zevran wrong on this in any way he can.
The exclamation woke Aidan Cousland from a sound, wonderful sleep that was blessedly free of the Archdemon, darkspawn, or the dead shadows of his family that tended to haunt him. He frowned at the interruption then stretched out, expecting to come into contact with warm skin and hear a certain elf's mischievous chuckle.
But there is only the other half of the bedroll, blankets tossed back and the spot going cold, to greet him. Aidan's frown deepened as a string of Antivan curses came from outside the tent and he rose, searching blindly for his trousers in the dark. Leaving them only laced enough to stay on, he grabbed his dagger - Never go anywhere unarmed, Pup, he remembers Father saying - and pushed past the open flap to step outside.
Zevran is nowhere in sight once he blinks away the glare of the sudden light from the fire. He notices Morrigan is still awake, her golden eyes trailing across his bare chest like she wants to devour him alive and screaming…
Maker, the apostate can be creepy sometimes. Alistair is very right about that.