Sep 03, 2008 19:16
NAME: Nalya Maelferri
AGE: 155
YOB: -128
HAIR: Crimson
EYES: Blue-green
SKIN: Dark red
RACE: Quel’dorei
CALLING: Paladin
ALLEGIANCE: Knights of the Silver Hand
Mother - Kenda Sunwastrel (deceased)
Father - Rostol Maelferri (deceased)
Sister - Allia Maelferri (deceased)
Neice - Lasciel Duskblade
PERSONALITY: A quiet, solid soul with a matter-of-fact manner.
HISTORY: She has long been a Knight of the Silver Hand, one of the first to join with them after the first five, and fought with sword and shield rather than a warhammer in the Second War. Upon the order’s collapse at the death of Uther Lightbringer and the destruction of Quel’thalas, she left it and traveled, seeking out family she had had within the former great city. All she discovered was the death of her sister and her husband as well as their parents, though she was at the side of her mother's deathbed.
Upon the building of Silvermoon, she has visited the city but sees nothing of interest in where her magic-addled kin are heading. Her only interest in the Sin’dorei at all is the discovery of her sister’s daughter, Lasciel, and her student, Tristol Sunblade.
Since the rumored reformation of the Order, she is torn between keeping an eye on her young niece or rejoining with them under Tirion Fordring.
QUOTE: “I am a defender; my shield and sword are here to protect those that stand behind me.”
wow char: nalya maelferri,
game: world of warcrack,
character profiles