First Lines (and Paragraphs)

Apr 20, 2008 12:43

From what I've always been told, the first line of your story is one of the most important ones. And since I can't post this on the jimbutcher boards as I've managed to lock myself out of my account (damn password), I'll do this here till I can get my login working.

Medi Varnl, Book 1: Feloinain

Horac swung his fist at Tristol, knuckles connecting solidly with the younger boy’s cheek. The slightly taller fifteen-year-old was slung to the ground by the fierce blow and landed face down in the trampled grass and dirt beneath their feet. As he fell the cap he’d been wearing flew off, letting loose a curtain of shoulder length dark hair and a pair of furry ears that were far from human.

Black Chaos

I had no childhood; at least, not any that I remember. Any memories before my thirteenth year just don’t exist anywhere in my head. Not lost.


Handcuffs are number one on the list of things uncomfortable to wear.

Bones, a Love Story of Sorts

Birds chirped, a cool breeze rustled the leaves, and all seemed to be well around Sothan to Kalya. The young woman that had just passed into her twentieth year a few days ago turned where she stood and frowned at the jungles that seemed every year to get closer and closer.

Vampire Dust: In the Darkness All Alone

Waking up with the scent of blood in your nose, I’ve discovered, is no fun way to wake up. Especially if you’re not exactly sure why you can smell it at all.

Medi Varnl, Book 2: Whekai

I am Julienka Moldrenke-Whebon. Though I would more gladly claim the name Bailn to be mine as that is the name of the man I gave my heart and body to. But it cannot be so.

Medi Varnl, Book 5: Pirate

Jumping off a ship in the middle of the ocean wearing nothing but a pair of ragged cloth pants that have seen many better days and some hastily put on bandages made from the remains of an equally ragged shirt is not the brightest idea. But when you’ve been captured by pirates that you know for certain kill anyone they take captive from a ship they’ve raided after they ply them for information…jumping into the ocean doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.

A Magical Burden

Paper rustled and dark leather gloves carefully held the wanted poster as frightened hazel eyes stared at it.  There was a rustle of claws then and a rough voice growled, “Looks like they’ve upped the bounty.”


The world isn’t as nice as some might think.

Drabble: Eyesight to the Blind

“Mistletoe,” murmured the woman as she crouched next to the corpse, using a pencil to lift his hand.  The green springs and red berries stared back at her and she cursed, dropping her head into her non-gloved hand.  “Shit, he was a practitioner.”

Drabble: Hit the Ground

“Just make sure you hit the ground on your feet,” my Dad used to say.  “So long as you land upright, you’ll do fine.  Land on your back and there’ll be trouble coming to you.”

Drabble: Meant to Live

So, thought Terrence as he glanced around, this is it.  Death.

Drabble: People Are Strange

“You are strange,” commented Varin as he gave Ziggy a sideways glance.  He was still trying to figure out just why she was called that as nothing about her zigged.  Or zagged.  Or anything else with a ‘z’.

vampire dust, medi varnl: feloinain, writing, medi varnl, medi varnl: whekaí, story: black chaos, story: bones, pirate, story: cleave, first lines

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