Ganked from
liz_marcs, and similarly ganked from others.
1. What was the first story you ever wrote? What inspired you to write it? Animorphs fanfic actually, I think. It sucked, so I'm not even going to mention the contents of it, and it doesn't exist online anywhere anymore unless someone has it saved from my old OLD website of Falconz Hangout. *cringes* Gods, I knew such little of websites back then.
And inspiration to write it? of Animorphs. I don't really remember what the inspiration for that story was.
2. Which of your stories received the best response? Why do you think that is?
Not Myself, my Harry Potter AU fanfic of OMG lengthiness. 184 chapters, 371150 words, 4610 reviews, 853382 hits, and 1651 favs on FFN. And none of this is counting the reviews, etc from where I separated the seven parts or the four sequels or three/four side stories.
Why's is been so popular? Beats me. I had fun writing it at the time and people enjoyed it so I was happy. And people still enjoy it.
3. Which of your stories received a less favorable response than you expected. Why do you think that it?
Not Myself, has received a few unfavorable ones now in its completed stated and had its own troll there for a while. But other than that, I can't remember getting a really unfavorable review.
4. Which character do you enjoy writing the most? Why?
I enjoy writing most of them. AU Harry's and various Xander's speckle the main stories of mine that are posted of FFN. But I think perhaps my favorite to write has been Necronim from my Warcraft fanfic,
Bones. Nec's this tortured soul stuck in an undying body, a guilty young man who did a few terrible things for reasons he thought right before he was afflicted by the Plague. Its slightly angsty, a bit broody but all-over fun to write. Its sort of a redemption story, I think, for Nec.
Drusilla is also fun to write but, then again, most insane characters tend to be so for me.
5. Which character do you enjoy writing the least? Why?
Lucius Malfoy because I hate the man. He's a smug, slimy bastard who pisses me off (hence why he tends to die a lot in my fanfics).
6. You wrote it and you loved it. Quote your favourite opening line. Quote your favorite closing line. Your favorite title. (Again, links to the stories are always welcome.)
Hmm, gotta look over this a minute. Lotsa stories, lotsa stuff to look over.
Title: Both
Bones (Warcraft) and my KotoR short story
Message in a Datapad (for some reason my strange parody of the Police's Message in a Bottle greatly amuses me)
Opening: There she blazed, an avenging angel with her sword at the ready and blue eyes aflame as she faced the vampires. Scarred but still standing with her head high and protecting those around her. Protecting me. -
Trials and Tribulations of Magic and Life, Chapter 1 My Defending Angel
Closing: Even if she had never known it, she had saved him from becoming something he hadn’t wanted to be. And he would be forever grateful for that. -
Bones 7. Do you identify with one pairing? If so do you tend to write mostly that pairing? When you don't- what inspires you to step off the beaten track.
Usually I got along with the canon pairings: Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, Spike/Dru, Buffy/Angel (or B/Riley or Spike, depending on the time frames). Sometimes they're one of the main pairing, sometimes they're just mentioned in the background.
Occasionally I've gone with Harry/Hermione and one spattering of Hermione/Snape amongst others. Favorite fanon one though is Xander/Faith.
And its fun to step away from the canon relationships and develop another one. Just like AU's.
8. Do you re-read your fic? Why or why not? Do you have a favourite fic to re-read?
Usually only the completed ones or when I need to refresh my memory. My favorite to reread right now since its completion is
Bones - I just like how that story developed and come out at the end.
9. Some writers find writing difficult. For others, it comes easily. Tell me about the experience of writing for you. How do you write? When? Where? Do you plot your stories or just start writing. Which of your stories was the easiest to write? Which was the hardest?
I write when the inspiration strikes. Some stories are plotted roughly and some I just let go along until they're completed.
Bones has probably been the easiest to write with
Creature of Darkness in close second. The hardest...
Not Myself, definitely, I think.
10. How has the delivery of fanfic changed since you first started in fandom? Where did you first start posting? Do you have a web site? Do you maintain it? Did you belong to lists? Do you now? How do you find new fic to read?
Well there's FFN now - it wasn't really around when I started writing. My first fics were posted on my original website and then FFN when it also previously hosted original stories. And, yes, I do maintain my current website on a fairly decent basis. I belong to a good many lists but I only read a few. New fic? Random browsing of FFN on occasion and rec's from friends and reviewers that contact me to chat.
11. No shows = no inspiration. Let's face it, it's all been done, right? Or has it? How do you find inspiration in the Buffyverse? Do the comics help? Do you consider them canon?
This is the reason I usually write from the season two Halloween episode with something new mixed in as Xander's costume. It gives me something to draw from and go with when writing. And I've only skimmed the comics so I've got no opinion on that.
12. Feedback - how important is it to you? What sort of feedback do you like to receive? Do you leave feedback when you read?
I love reading reviews and getting them, to know that people like the story. And, yes, I usually do leave feedback when I read.
13. How has fanfiction changed your life?
I've made a few friends through it and improved my writing style a great deal from when I began. So, yeah.
14. Do you write professionally? Did you before you started writing fanfic or did fanfic pave the way?
No, I don't but I hope someday to get my work published.
15. Final thoughts. I am sure I missed something- talk to me.
I got nothin'.