Goal: Achieved

Jan 19, 2013 21:28

I know I've been a bit quiet lately -- in pretty much the same way that ghost towns are quiet -- but that's because I haven't really had anything to say. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and that 2013 brings you all lovely things.

So anyway. Today I have something to say, for whatever it's worth. Grin.

Back in August, I decided the time had come to get serious about taking off some weight. I've been overweight for a long time, and as a former athlete, I know exactly what needs to be done to take care of the problem. That is, I have never blamed anyone but myself for my weight gain.

My goal was to lose 37 pounds by New Year's. As I've never actually lost weight before, I didn't know what to expect or how hard it would be, and I determined not to get upset about plateaus, setbacks, or falling a bit behind. I also cut myself slack for the holidays: I kept to the program as much as I could, but I didn't deprive myself of a reasonable amount of holiday goodies. Mashed potatoes and gravy. Pumpkin pie. Even a few cookies/biscuits.

By New Year's Day, I had lost 35 pounds, and I think that's close enough to call it a success. But this morning is when I officially reached that 37-pound goal. Yay!

I'm feeling good, and I'm looking forward to getting back to exercise once the weather warms up a bit. (I have bad circulation and have had a running series of chillblains on toes since late November. Going out in the cold exacerbates them, so for now, I'm just keeping myself and my tosie-wosies warm and not worrying about it.) I'll pick up my walking routine and also plan to get back on the bike. And to top it off, I'm planning to do somethingthis summer that I've wanted to do since before I moved over here: walk the full length of Hadrian's wall.

I might even go for another 10 pounds. For now, I'm taking a break and working on maintenance, that is, eating better consistently. In a few months, we'll see. It might even be that once I start exercising again, that 10 pounds will come off without any further intervention of the diet side, as long as I continue with the healthy eating.

So. Me. Minus 20%. Hooray!
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