Valentine's Day

Feb 14, 2011 10:24

I don't have anything against this holiday. When I have been coupled up, I've done sweet, thoughtful things for my partner year round, not just on this day. With Doug, we would always go out to dinner. A night spent at Carmelo's being serenaded by their accordionist was our all-time favorite, if we could get in. Lately, on my own, I can't bring myself to hate a holiday that celebrates love. I love love. Even knowing that romantic love isn't in the picture for me anymore doesn't change that.

Today my FB page is full of both love and hate for this day. For those of you who are hating, all I can say is, you get what you give. If you want love in your life, just look around you. Look at the faces of the folks you call friends or to those of your family who stand by and support you no matter what. If all you give is hate then what do you expect?

My life has changed considerably these last few years and I could have easily come to hate this day, but I can't. My earliest memory of VDay is getting little heart shaped boxes of chocolate from my Daddy and sweet little cards from my classmates. I myself have been remiss in getting cards out the last couple of years, but I do plan to visit my Dad and take him a heart-shaped box of goodies.

For my friends who are hating this year, try not to concentrate on not having "the one" and focus on all the people you do have in your life. Believe me, it's not as easy as I make it seem, but why wallow on a day that only wants you to feel love, so give in, feel it, even if it's not for that someone special you expected to spend the rest of your life with. If you've known love, relish the memories. If you haven't, be patient, love comes to us all in one way or another.

This morning I gave my cats a special treat before I left the house and I was greeted with above 40 degree weather. Upon arriving at work there were redvines left on my desk and tasty heart shaped cupcakes from Tessie's mom. Regardless of how alone I feel most of the time these days, I do know that I love and am loved.

That's all I need on this day.

EDIT: I just received three valentine's day goodie bags from my coworkers! I also now feel kinda like a heel for not remembering that we do this here. I didn't send any. :-(

holidays, dlw, love

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