Wait 24 hours and ask me again

May 14, 2010 11:34

I started a long brain dump post yesterday titled verbal menstruation and then decided to keep it private, because who needs to see that shit really? Good thing too, because after I let yoga kick my ass both mentally and physically last night, watched 3 more episodes of True Blood to which I'm now addicted (Thanks Scott), and slept like the dead, I awoke this morning 180 degrees from yesterday.

Being appreciated for what I do lifts my spirits like nothing else. Today, my office next door neighbor popped in to see how I was, when I told him I was great, he mentioned that I seem that way each day. Good.

I like that I am getting back to being that person. During interviews, when asked what I would bring to the position that someone else would not, I almost always reply "sunshine". Years ago, one of my employers wrote a recommendation for my move from Kansas City to Austin and aside from mentioning my organizational skills, attention to detail, kick ass customer service, ability to adapt in any environment, yadda yadda yadda, he said that I brought the sunshine to his company and his employees; that I made coming to work more enjoyable for those around me and that I made everyone I interacted with feel like they were the most important person in the world. I am glad that I am back to bringing the sunshine.

I had forgotten how much I missed working in this realm. I started my career in Advertising and then dipped my toes into Marketing/Event Planning before settling into Office Management and I love being surrounded by like-minded folks. I've even been asked to do some voice-over work. Score!

On another wholly unrelated topic, I am thinking of creating a Facebook page for my husband. I want to upload pictures and connect with his family and friends so that there is a place where anyone who misses him can go and see his face and read what others have to say. There are those who say I am living in the past but I don't see it that way. I know he is gone. I know he is not coming back. I know I will never replace the emptiness he left behind. I also know that I love hearing folks mention his name and relate stories to me about him and that by doing this, I will get that.

Happy Friday y'all! Enjoy the upcoming weekend and hopefully I'll see some of you next Saturday, sipping sangria and tearing up some Brown Sugar BBQ!

bbq, work, dlw

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