Jan 22, 2009 23:18
Who's ecstatic about the new presidency?
I am!
First days in office, and he's already set an end date (one year from now) for Guantanimo, dissolved all CIA secret prisons, instated rules against political favoritism in hiring and policy making, followed through on some of his promises of executive transparency, and frozen all last-minute referendums made by Bush. This includes that fucking "conscience" clause and those horrible amendments to the endangered species act!!
Now to repeal the "conscience clause" altogether, and repeal the Hyde amendment and the Global Gag order. Stop funding abstinence-only sex education and replace it with something that actually works (comprehensive sex ed.), take funding away from 'Crisis pregnancy centers' (religious interest centers that lie to, lecture, and trick pregnant women in order to force them into child birth, while pretending to be actual medical facilities, which they're not--at most they're licensed to administer over-the-counter pregnancy tests, and some illegally force ultrasounds on women), and help the Ledbetter Fair Pay act to pass...
Hopefully.....*still optimistic, but has fingers crossed*
It is a lot to think about...
(P.s., Evan and I totally kept our voter registrations in VA just for this. We helped tip Virginia!! w007!!!)