Quick Quiz Thing

Aug 07, 2006 14:57

Four jobs you have had:
1. Bartender/Bouncer
2. Tank Driver/Gunner (woohoo, getting paid to blow stuff up)
3. Construction Worker
4. Cucumber Picker (don't ask)

Four movies you watch over and over:
1. Elektra (mmm Jennifer Garner)
3. Kill Bill
4. Margaret Cho: I'm The One That I Want (Margaret Cho You're a STAR!)

Four places where you have lived:
1. Toronto, ON (gotta love the 401 in rush hour)
2. Medicine Hat, AB (woo, PARTAY! *For those of you who know me, you know this was said with complete sarcasm)
3. Cold Lake AB
4. Montreal, QB

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. CSI (only the original, that Horatio from Miami is a B grade version of Grissom with some Cpt. Kirk thrown in for good measure)
2. Law & Order:SVU (just something about bad ass detectives running around in leather. Is it just me?)
3. Buffy
4. Xena (like you didn't know)

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Vancouver, BC
2. Orlando, FL
3. Medicine Hat, AB (place requisite sarcastic remark here)
4. Edmonton, AB

Four websites I visit daily:
1. LiveJournal
2. Hotmail
3. Passion and Perfection (www.ralst.com)
4. Academy of Bards (www.academyofbards.org)

Four songs I listen to daily:
1. I'd Start A Revolution- Aimee Allen
2. The CSI Theme (cause really, who can go a day without Jorja Fox and Grissomisms?)
3. Wonder- Megan McCauley
4. The Songs In My Head

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Steak ( Only if its AAA Alberta Beef. I heart Alberta Beef)
2. Sushi
3. Roti (mmm, Roti)
4. Umm... Oh yeah, CHICKEN WINGS!!!

People I'm Tagging:
Any LJ users who come on here and read this thing. Put a comment in with the link to your answers. C'mon I'm bored, entertain me.
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