#NaBloPoMO Day 7: Guest Blog with The Capillary

Dec 07, 2010 08:46

Today’s Post is powered by: Tim Horton’s Coffee. (Dear Universe, send more.)

Woo. Guest blog day, which means you get to deal with the wonderful thecapillary 
over here while I head on over to hijack her blog. You can read my guest post there. But read hers first. She’s a pro-blogger and I’m still crawling around trying to re-learn how to make an LJ cut.

P.S. If you like the layout of my LJ, give her a clap. It sure as hell wasn’t me that made this place all shiny and prettyfied.

P.P.S. This journal is backdated for those who are keeping count. We both wrote these yesterday but because someone just *had* to go over to Ireland for Christmas, internet connections have been spotty at best.

Prompt taken from the NaBloPoMo Website: What's on your wall: prints, posters, photos, paintings? What makes you want to hang something up?

I think i’ll start backwards on this one. The paraphernalia that i want to put up on my wall are things that inspire and that make me feel good. Postcards are my favourite thing in the world to get, above all presents in the world, and they immediately get tacked up on my wall behind my computer screen. Since I spend so much time on my computer I often get a chance to look the postcards.

Postcards have always given me a warm and fuzzy feeling because they really make me feel special, appreciated, etc etc. To me, it’s the ultimate “Thinking of You” memento. A friend, close or not, has taken the time to select a greeting, a snapshot into their travels, and says hi to you at that moment, when they could be carrying on with their adventures.

And besides, anything you get other than bills or flyers in the mail is always exciting.

I tend to stay away from putting “art” on my walls, unless it has a personal meaning. I’ve bought some photographs from budding professional and hobby photographers of places I’ve travelled to such as Giant’s Causeway and the Rockies. The pictures have more of a story to tell for me, and continue inspire me when I look at them.

There are a few Classic and Romantic painters that I could see myself putting up a few works of, but a lot of “modern” art I tend to dislike. I know, I know, to each their own, but I find that modern art has no concepts of rules and traditional styles, shirking them as an inhibition to the true creative process.


I’m no artist, so who am I to make judgement calls on artists and the process in which they achieve their masterpieces. I mean, I’m all for breaking ground art pieces, and pushing the limits, and breaking the rules, but I often find that in order to break the rules properly then you need to know the rules.

Kind of like writing, grammar, story structure and so forth. Nothing irritates me more when pretentious young writers attempt to pass poor grammar and story structure as “style”.

Speaking of style, I suppose for the general idea of what I might put up on my walls does reflect my style. I am a new homeowner and have yet to complete furnish my house with my husband. Embarrassingly, we’ve owned the house for almost a year and all of our walls are still bare. My idea of good style when it comes to putting up objects on the wall includes practicality. I’m all over the Ikea shelves and filling them up cleverly. My husband is having none of it and wants to put up wall paper and large prints.

Sharing your style with someone can sometimes be a source of contention, I’ve discovered. And despite my hesitation towards “modern” art, I seem to be more “modern” where as my husband tends to be more “old fashioned” with his tastes.

It’s nice to say “to each their own” but the rules change a bit when you make the decision to live with someone I think. So my pipe dream still stands that either I get famous or one of my friends become famous and makes me part of their entourage so that I can also become rich so as to build or buy a house big enough so I can have my own office studio and I don’t have to compromise on what I put up on my wall.

Yes, that was a run on sentence.

Blog over.
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