Aug 09, 2009 10:58
Sorry for the lack of posts...particularly having just come off vacation and not posted a darn thing about it here. My sincere apologies. Honestly, for a while, I was a little bitter for having had to come back. I so want more time with my family. Time to go jump on waves, sink our toes in the sand, and soak up the sun. And I want to go back and take more pictures of it all. Not that I didn't take a ton of pictures, but I'm a little bummed that I don't have pictures of M2 playing in earnest in the waves, or the boys in the pool, or anything like that. And not a single picture of all of us together. I'm not sure how I missed doing that one! Oh well. I will not regret. I'll just have to do it again sometime!
My other issue of late is that I'm feeling antisocial. Rather than sitting on the computer in the evenings, I've been holing up with books and reading every chance I get. This is not a bad thing, but it is cutting me off from one more avenue of maintaining my connection to the outside world. I find myself out of practice at maintaining/developing friendships of late. Not that my friends here aren't wonderful and I don't love them...but I am in serious need to non-kid-accompanied time with friends. I need to remember how to carry on conversations that aren't stopped midway by "T! Put that down!" or "No, I will not draw/read/write that for you right now...go play." or any other series of kid-related interruptions and distractions. Pardon the funk. I am just very well aware that my closest friends all live several hours or more from me, at the moment.
Ok, this would be why I have been silent. Not much anyone really wants to read. And I'd post vacation pictures, but it's going to have to wait 'til after I make sure T isn't about to kill himself climbing up on the dining room table and banging the cookie cutters M2 left out all over it. On my New. Dining. Room. Table. GAAAH!!!