May 26, 2009 10:10
Plenty to say, I'm just lacking the energy to say it. And I can't even post pictures because I haven't picked up the camera in a while! Yes, I know...
We had a fun weekend. M1's mom came into town and completely wore the kids out for three days straight. It was beautiful! The kids had a wonderful time with their Mammaw. She flew home Sunday evening (and M2 cried the ENTIRE ride home from the airport!!). Yesterday was a little more quiet. I set up the pool and the sprinkler in the back yard and handed M2 a water gun. T tried to play with the other water gun, but couldn't quite figure it out. He just used it to dribble water over his head. Which reminds me, I need to get some earplugs for that boy before we do this again! Darn tubes. And it's not even like they're preventing the ear infections. He's finishing up his latest round of antibiotics today. Dangit.
M2 is getting quite the mouth on him. Saturday, on the way to church, I told him we were going to have quiet time in the car. He kept begging for his Kidz Bop CD (thank you EVER so much, McDonalds!). He finally informed me that he would be quiet if I would just turn on his CD. THEN, Saturday night at supper, he was goofing around and being silly instead of eating. I told him a couple of times to stop. He continued. I gave him The Mom Look. He looked right back at me and said "Say ONE, Mama." (you know the drill, the "get your act together before I get to 3" counting thing?) Instead, I said "Go to your room, M2."
Yesterday I was informed that he doesn't love me anymore. Apparently me telling him 3 times to quit teasing his brother and give him the ball means that if he keeps asking if he can play with the ball, I'll somehow change my mind. And when I kick him out of the pool for continuing to ask this question and send him to the porch, it is grounds for the end of love. M1 was standing right next to him when he told me this, so M2 wound up spending the next couple of hours in his room. He got a good nap.
Thankfully, all was right with the world when he woke up. I am loved again. He got to play with the daughter of some friends of ours when they came over for burgers and hot dogs. It was a very good evening. That ended with me in bed very early for the second night in a row. I'm still tired. Oh well.
On the me front, I moved my stress test up to tomorrow. I'll post more when I know more.
out of the mouths of babes,