Jul 07, 2005 15:47
i have to write a rough draft due on tues. the topic is basically how increasing ethnic diversity and female participation in govt. affects society. i have to write about my opinion and why identifications should/shouldn't be followed...
here's what i think: the idea has been stressed that all men are created equally and i fully agree. i've always thought this. ive never felt disadvantaged being hispanic and i hated the fact that i would receive mail from east coast schools trying to entice me with their "latin community". i felt that being hispanic was the only thing that made those schools interested in me.
anyway, i don't think people should try and identify with leaders just because they are of the same ethnicity or gender. thats stupid. its about their opinion or beliefs, not what color or sex they are. I think its great that minorities and females are taking on prominent roles in society.. it proves our nation has come a long way and it gives hope for people who feel they are at a disadvantage because of their race or gender. but are people really at a disadvantage? i can see how gender issues put females at a disadvantage, but discrimination because of ethnicity is something of the past, i honestly am not aware of any racial issues. i think making a big deal about minorities only causes more separation; it continues to point out that there is a difference between the majority and minority and that hinders society from moving forward...everyone has the opportunity to do something with their lives.
if anyone has any input please comment..
i dont know how i should structure this essay--i was thinking i should acknowledge the importance of minority appointments to leading roles in society, then discuss my opinion and point out the negative effects of identifying with a specific group.
theres just not enough structure to this essay, i can write about so much but its like i would be writing the same thing over and over.
As stated in the Declaration of Independence, “all men are created equal”. Although events in history have not reflected these profound words written by our founding fathers, over two hundred years later, we have over come adversity; we no longer live in a nation with slavery, segregation is illegal, and everyone has an equal opportunity to voice their opinion. Why then is it necessary to separate as a nation by identifying ourselves with groups based on ethnicity? As a growing, diverse nation, we must continue to support the words of our founding fathers in order to progress toward unity without adverse effects caused by solidarity with an ethnic group.