2nd day with Toma

Sep 08, 2015 21:46

So  today I want focus on how Toma entered Johnny´s agency…How was his start and how he  become popular…

Some people can just say he is from Johnny’s so he is lucky and it was easy for him  to gain popularity… Well, Toma carrier and popularity was not so easy to achieve…( yes I know nothing is easy)  But he went through a lot of hardships and problems. No just with work problems but also with emotional and personal problems too…


At first I want say big THANK YOU to Toma´s mum… She persuaded Toma to enter Johnny´s agency and she also send application.

Toma said: „I wanted  be football player that time, but my mum decided another way for me… I am thankfull to her… “ Toma mum is big fan of SMAP so that is why she let him be in Johnny´s.  ( kyaa Toma mum is such a genius to do this… i know Toma is very good in football but if he was not actor i wont meet him )

Toma entered in 1996… ( he was  12 )

He said at first he hated it… He said: „ I thougt it is awful and wrong for boy/man to dance… But i got used to it XD And then I get to like it…“

Toma s 1st  acting experiences were this two dramas- Agri and Love and peace

My screenshot from Love n Peace XD

This were his roles as a child actor.. ( i saw Love and peace and i liked it :3 he was and still is haha soo kawaii ) He was just kid but he did great jo…

Later Also his singer carrier was born… It last very short but….

He was in band Strawberry ( with Eiji Wentz-- this was not Johhny band) , then MAIN ( i will write more about MAIN) , BIG ,4 TOPS,  3 TOPS

Big progeress was when he joined MAIN…
Well if someone doesnt know he was there with actual members of Arashi --Jun MATSUMOTO, Masaki AIBA,  Kazunari NINOMIYA
They were together not so long as band.. but for Toma it was big step… And then it happened…

This can be just my opinion but Toma was very betrayed by Johnny’s agency… I know that Arashi are not one who should be blame  but… it was not fair what Johny-san did to Toma…
As Toma said: „I felt like i absolutely failed. I wanted to quit with showbiznis. I felt like I lost my friends…”

Then after Arash debuted ( I think all know who are in Arashi XD ) Toma had to do backdance for them… Toma said he did not wanted to do it. „ All I can do is just watch them…“- said Toma.  It is not because he was selfish or something… He just felt that their relationship changed…
But then after performance Sho Sakurai came near to Toma and said he want thank to all Johnny Juniors… After this Toma was so happy and decided to stay in agency… ( Kyaa Shoooo i love you for this… kyaa such a nice senpai XD )

So after disband of MAIN Toma was singing in B.I.G. (Bad Image Generation) with Yamapi, Shunsuke Kazama  Jun Hasegawa

In year 2002 4 TOPS was created… Yamapi, Toma, Hasegawa, Kazama…

Then another sad news come… Yamapi left 4 TOPS... and next 3 TOPS disbanded very soon too…
Toma and Yamapi are unforgetable pair... Their friendship is soooo BIG   Have a nostalgic look how sweet they were (and still are XD)

Around this time Toma was down again because all from his friends debuted… even Yamapi
Haters started to spread rumors that Toma should left Johnnys agency because he dotn debuted as singer… If he does not sing what is point beeing in Johnny´s?

A lot of days passed but Toma said: „No i dont want debute as singer anymore,  I dont want have CD either…“
I think he is just afraid of people will judge him and they will make rumors again  And he wont be so popular as some another Johnny´s singers/ bands   He is just tired of it…

But He CAN sing!!!! His voice is amazing… It is sooo pity he doesnt sing anymore T____T
Check this out:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dqmjh8WRI0ň
and even RAP XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQAtXHLVrM0&list=PLMi8JXajLQBCJbyd-Xy-4aGnSaYlkkups&index=11

MY FAVOURITEEEEE from cat in red boots :3  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzPKIHgpN84

Sometimes you find something amazing, where you did not wait it … ( me lol)

BUT then Toma discovered magic of acting!!! Acting in front of cameras and also in theater…
He debuted as actor… And now… haters LOOK where is he now!! I am so happy and proud that he did not leave Johnny and continue acting… He is so awesome and talented actor!!!
“You only learn when you give your whole being to something” -Bryant McGill yes Toma put everything in his acting…

Toma i will support you no matter what :3

2nd day, 30 days with toma, hbdtoma

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