Mar 09, 2004 12:21
-:|:- Basics -:|:-
Name: Teressa
Age: 19
Nicknames: T, Sessa, Baby, Hey ---that's about all the things I get called
Location: Currently, New Paltz
Hometown [ or where u were born ]: Which is two different things...born in Po-Town,grown in Hopewell, wow I should really be doing my work.
righty or lefty: "Well, that all depends on what I'm doing"---thanx Pete....I'm lefty, back off
zodiac sign: Taurus
-:|:- Appearence -:|:-
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: Shut up
Tattoos: nope
Tattoos wanted: A rose on my ankle and Mickey Mouse on my hip...oh and shut up again
Piercings: Ooo I like to fill this one out...11 in my ear, 1 eyebrow
Piercings Wanted: hehehehe
-:|:- Love -:|:-
Special Someone: :)
Or are you just crushing someone: Heh.
Do they know: Heh.
First kiss: Hahaha hmm 7th grade over the summer I kissed Paul Ligorski in the swimming pool in the pitch black cuz we were playing spin the giant turtle floaty thing and I guess I "won."
First love: Asher
-:|:- Friends -:|:-
Who are your four closest buddies: I hate this question, I really do...I have too many from different walks of life who are my closest friends at some point or another...I really hate this question
Most talented: Sam
Friendliest: Asher
Smartest: D'Emic
Most shy?: Uhh I don't have friends who are shy
hyper: LUCY
boy crazy: LUCY, every other chic I know
ghetto: Asher haha
Best singer: Brendan
active: Uh Lucy?
known longest: Stephanie
known shortest amount of time: Sam---holy shit I didn't even have to change this...yo Pete and John, who do you know that's name is Sam? Weird.
want to know more: Sam
good taste in music: John
most annoying: John just kiddin'---I don't get annoyed
would you die for?: They know who they are
drama queen: BRENDAN
stuck up: hehe some people know the answer to this one
can you talk to about anything: Sam, Jordan, Asher
-:|:- Favorites -:|:-
Color: Purple
Food: Ravioli--with tomato sauce
Band: Oh god---uhh I don't feel like getting into it I'll just give my generic answer---Matchbox 20, Goldfinger, Less Than Jake, Beatles, Lifehouse...blalblalbla
Cd: U can't ask me that
Song: Right now, "Echo" by Trapt
Actor: Leonardo shut up
Actress: Julia Roberts
Movie: Liar Liar, Memento, MallRats, Half-Baked---ya the classics
Thing in your room: My Mickey shut up
Website: hehehehe
tv show: Buffy!
animal: achoo
state: CA even tho I've never been there---maybe that's why its my fav
shoe: comfy ones
outfit: ya ok
instrument: guitar---someone teach me!
restaurant: Supreme heh Idk I can't think
fast food: Wendys
singer: hmm I guess I'll always like Mariah Carey---but like old school Mariah not Mariah who gets together with every rapper under the sun Mariah, and Josh Groban is phat too
car: 95 Ford Escort---its my dream car
-:|:- Room -:|:-
Color Of walls: ehh kinda like peach
What color would you like them to be: black
Anything on your walls?: besides esbestos? uh some pictures, posters, etc.
Whats on em?: ONe is the procrastinator's creed, another is some butterfly thing, another is a toad hanging on for dear life about to fall into a glass of milk and it says "Got milk", MB20 poster, Invader Zim Poster, Beatles, calender, oh ya and a tapestry
Bedding: Dark blue ones
What you would like your bedding to be: Way to just ask a question to fill in some space
Top three favorite things in your room: Mickey, my computer, and my fridge
-:|:- Future -:|:-
Want to be married?: I'll get back to you
When?: ------------------^^^^^^^^^^^^
How about kids?: I really don't like this section
How many and names: OK ya def don't like it
Job?: Actress
Where do you see yourself in five years?: eww
Ten years?: ewwww
Fifteen Years?: AHH!! STOP STOP!
-:|:- your opinion -:|:-
Bush: Vagina--oh shit i thought it was word association, my bad
politics: negative
labels: good for telling what things are
pop: i like soda
punk/rock: Rock on!!!
rap: Word
hip hop/r&b: Ok
judgmental people: Die, bitch, die
sluts: uh see above
abortion: That's a tough one ill pass
downloading music: UH oh of course
-:|:- Do you believe in.. -:|:-
God?: Sometimes, when i get inspired
Love at first sight: Ya--sadly, ya
soul mates: again, sadly, ya
fate: i hope its real
-:|:- Randomness -:|:-
How many cd's do you own?: Ya lemme get right on counting them
If you had three wishes what would they be?: 1. For no one to be out of work or homeless, 2. For an infinite amount of money until I say stop, 3. For this fucking war to end
If you could be with one person who would it be?: He knows who he is
What are your fears?: Being alone
Things that make you happy?: Heh
Whats one thing you couldn't live without?: Everything
If your house was on fire what three things would you grab?: Oh jeez again with the Mickey, my pictures, and my computer
If you HAD to label yourself, what would it be?: other
Aren't labels stupid?: ya buddy, whoever u are
What kind of music do you like?: good music
You do drugs?: nope just marijuana
Always against your parents: of course
If you could have anyone walk in the room RIGHT now who would it be?: My boyfriend, I need a back rub
okay who would you NOT want it to be?: My mom she'd kill me cuz my room is a mess
Who would you want to be cuffed to FOREVER?: a million dollars
you like video games?: surely
What are three things on your desk?: keys, Sam's pick, my Chem in Art Paper I was supposed to start about an hour ago until I got swept away in filling this freakin thing out that no one is gonna read except for John and Pete---sup guys, sup.