Xavier and pregnancy!

Oct 16, 2004 07:14

First off, sorry I have not written in a while…. But

Xavier is doing great; he has been crawling while holding toys for some time now. His newest thing is wanting to give them to you. I am not sure he wants to hand it off, but he makes the effort. He is teething on our fingers now and the two teeth that he has are very sharp. He wants to climb on everything and is trying to climb over very difficult items. He is doing great on figuring out how things work. There are some toys that Jenny gave him where you press down on the head and another part spins….. he figured that out where before he just spun the spinning part. He is getting really good about throwing tantrums when he does not get what he wants. The first time he did it at the day care, they thought he was sick. He flails his little arms above his head leans back and then leans forward resting on the ground or your lap if you are on the floor with him. He just got over a stomach virus that he gave to mommy and we are both doing well. I had to take him to the doctor for the virus and found out he weighs 20lbs and is 28 inches tall. He is getting so big…..

Now for the new baby, I want a girl so from now on it will be she! I will not find out the sex till about the 18th week which is thanksgiving so be prepared to find out then! She is causing some severe stress in my life. I have started bleeding twice during this pregnancy and everything seems to be OK. She is still growing and has a very strong heartbeat and is moving around like crazy in my belly. I can not feel her yet…. But on the ultrasound she was very active. The rest of the pregnancy may be the same; the doctor said this will be a painful pregnancy with lots of cramping and bleeding. They are not real sure what cause it, but I have a 95% chance of caring this baby to term.

Well better go, Xavier is hanging on me…. I will try to write more soon.
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